Below you will find multiple sections that break up the challenge info - please take your time and read through each section at least once. Also, note that there are tabs for each sections, review each tab in detail - I provide a lot of information and although it can seem a bit overwhelming at first, do not be scared. This program has now worked for thousands of men and women - take your time, read the FAQs, watch the videos, look everything over and you'll be just fine.

The Basics

Facebook Support Group

FB GroupThis Facebook group will be for you to help, support, motivate and encourage one another. I will be in there also answering comments, providing assistance and I will do Facebook LIVE every week so you can ask me questions. This is a POSITIVE space for everyone and any negativity will not be tolerated. I strongly encourage you to request access; if you used a different name when you made the purchase from your Facebook name, please send me an email to [email protected] to let me know what name you used to buy vs your FB name. My husband David will also be assisting in the Group Chat & with any technical difficulties or questions. Please make sure you read all the FAQs, watch the intro video and real all the information before you post up a question.

Only challenge participants will be granted access. Please allow up to 48 hours to gain access as I have to manually accept each person & ensure they are in fact part of this challenge. To request access please search for the group “LDF Year End Challenge 2017” on Facebook. You can also follow this link: You may also want to adjust the notification settings so you don't get a ding every time someone posts.

Also, most of you found this challenge via Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook. Please TAG me in any and all of your progress photos you may post on IG. I’d love to see your progress or flex photos for this challenge and I will try and like and comment back on your pics. Please use the hashtags: #LaurenDrainFitChallenge on your posts so I can find it easy & TAG me in the pic (remember, if you have a private profile I will not be able to see your pics).

Photo instructions:

I've asked you all to take a before photo, not just for the challenge (that’s optional) but for yourselves. It’s hard to see the change in the mirror day to day... but if you look at what 1 or 2 or even 3 weeks can do, it really keeps you motivated. So many of my clients thank me for making them do this 6 weeks later because it really helps put things in perspective. So please, take the photos, try and be consistent with how you pose to help you highlight any changes. I am also adding a weekly check-in form that you must complete each week, this is found at the bottom of the challenge, I encourage you to use it. Everyone MUST complete at least the Initial Check-In form, this will be your starting point and benchmark for the rest of the challenge. These photos are also going to be the ones used for prize consideration at the end of the challenge so ensure they are clean, clear in good attire and follow all the rules below. (Required: a piece of paper with the date on it in one of the shots, you holding it or it taped to the wall behind you and "LDF Year End 2017" written on it. The photos will be private unless you win and even then we can crop out your face if needed. Initial Check-Ins have to be submitted by 11/21 to count as our baseline. Everyone MUST submit an initial check-in, this is very important for me to be able to assist you throughout the challenge and to help track your personal progress. Put in your measurements and all the info - set aside an hour to get the good clean photos and get all your stats.

Submission details: Please take 3 angles: Front, Back, Side and submit the photos via the Initial Check-In TAB at the bottom of the challenge. Make sure the lighting is good and the photos are clear, this will help both of us down the road. The sign only needs to be in the forward facing photo if you are holding it. Some people use it to block their face, others tape it to the wall behind them so its in every shot. I strongly urge you to put on an outfit that will help show of your body and areas that will most likely see results. Try not to be self conscious about your starting photos, this is for your own good and will make it difficult to see progress if you are wearing sweat pants and a tshirt in your starting photos. I suggest posing in boy shorts, bikini bottoms and a sports bra – see some of my IG pics & past clients. If you can have someone take your photo, please do that or put your phone on a timer at chest level, selfies in the mirror are ok but does make it harder to showcase your body. Also please use a simple backdrop like a white wall or a closed door to ensure there aren't dirty clothes on the floor or random clutter - cleanwell lit is always the best. Do NOT take your photos at night or in a dark room. Do Not take photos with a messy background. Please do not over exaggerate your before photo by bloating your tummy or doing crazy angles (this could disqualify you). If you need pose suggestions, simply refer to the challenge sign up page and see the photos I posted of past clients and their transformations. The clearer the image with good lighting the better. Try and take a full body shot if you can or at least knees up. No blurry photos, no dark photos, no crazy body angles, clean & well lit is what we want.

You can submit a photo anytime between now and 11/21/17.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Do I need to submit my photos?
    • Initial Check-In Photos are required, but I encourage you to take photos for yourself for each week to help track progress and for me to be able to assist you. You can not enter to win any of the prizes if you do not submit your photos on time and in the right format.
  • Do I submit weekly photos via email?
    • No, all check-ins are done via the check-in TAB at the bottom of the challenge. Please ensure you complete your check-ins each week.
  • What should I do if I miss a meal or a workout?
    • Don't stress, this is designed as a lifestyle and no one can be 100% perfect. Do your best, this is about progress not perfection.
  • If I don't have time to eat the meals can I combine some into one?
    • Yes, do what ever you have to to try and get the daily food in.
  • Can I mix and match the meals from the different sections?
    • Yes you can, you have access to all the options. They are split up in to groups to make it easier for people to find their food preferences.
  • What should I do if I'm not feeling well today.
    • Take the day off, if you are sick or stressed or etc do not force your workout. Use this as a rest day, reset, regroup and hit it hard when you are feeling better.
  • Can I do some sort of class as my HIIT workout?
    • Yes! Cardio is cardio and so long as you get your heart rate up, sweat and feel like it was a solid cardio session by all means do that. Cardio can be boring so doing a spin class or dance class or anything else is ok in my book.
  • How many HIIT sessions do we do a week?
    • The table indicates HIIT sessions per week. For example you may be doing 6 HIIT sessions during week one. Each HITT session consists of minutes. You do not do 6 different HIIT sessions in one day. Just like you do not do multiple Body Circuits in one day. Each Body Circuit has rounds, once you complete those rounds you are done with the BC.
  • Should I use the Check-In form?
    • YES! I strongly encourage you to do so. This will help you track your own progress and it will help me see changes in my reporting portal. I will be able to message you directly based off of these numbers and photos if you need help.
  • When should I drink my shake?
    • Durning your weight training or after you completed your workout. If you are doing HIIT or a BC right after your workout, you may wait until that is complete.
  • How many workouts per day should I be doing?
    • Please use the chart. If it says pick 4 workouts for the day that means you pick any 4 movements and do the required number of sets & reps for that movement. There are always 5 days of weight training each week.
  • Can I eat fruit as a snack?
    • I am allowing some fruit, half a banana, half an apple and etc. Fruit is high in sugar so keep it to a minimum.
  • Do I weigh my food before or after it is cooked?
    • After
  • Can I do my workout days in any order?
    • Yes, you do not have to start with Leg Day for example, you can do it in any order you wish so long as you get the workouts in & the cardio.
  • Can I split up my Cardio and my Workouts?
    • Yes, you can do one in the morning and the other later in the day.
  • Why is there no chest day for women?
    • I do not prescribe isolation workouts for the chest for women because you are already hitting the muscle groups via compound movements. I do not train chest and i think your time and energy is better served doing other workouts during this challenge. If you want to, you can work it into your workouts but I do not prescribe it.
  • I don't see a workout on the list that I really like, can I add it in?
    • You want to work out more? YES! Feel free to work in a movement you enjoy, remember this is a guide not a set in stone program. Just be smart, don't over do it and have fun.
  • I don't know how to do a movement, now what?
    • Review the photos I provided, also search for the appropriate hashtag on Instagram to see a video of me doing the movement. If you are still unsure feel free to ask Google, YouTube or a trainer. Start out with no weight to see get used to it and slowly work up as you become more comfortable.
  • At the gym I'm scared, intimidated or embarrassed to go into the weight room, what should I do?
    • Throw on your headphones, review your list of workouts and get after it. You belong there just as much if not more than the puffer fish guys & "meat heads". Most of them are more concerned with their own reflection than anyone else around. Be confident, do your own thing and you'll quickly realize they are all really nice - they just look scary.
  • I feel full and I can not get my last meal in what should I do?
    • Don't stress over it. Do your best the next day to split up your meals. Your body will take some time to adjust and get used to this much food.
  • I'm feeling very sore, what should I do?
    • Hydrate! Stretch! Also make sure you drink your BCAAs during your workout or after. Some Protein powders have some BCAAs already in them. Also refer to the supplement section for other options.
  • Im new to weights, how much should I be lifting?
    • Start light, you will learn over the weeks what your rep ranges will be for different movements. You should be struggling by the last few reps of the last set. Don't burn yourself out too quickly, ease into things. Form is always more important than the weight.
  • Whats a good Protein powder or BCAA?
    • I do not recommend a brand, but do not go with the cheap Walmart branded stuff. Spend a little bit of extra money on quality. I personally use Gold Standard, 1st Phorm, & BPI. Walk into GNC or VitaminShop and ask around.
  • I just finished my workout and its late, should I have my shake or my meal?
    • Shake first as it contains all the good stuff, if you can drink it during your workout even. And have your meal after.
  • Im having trouble drinking all the water what should I do?
    • Keep trying, its difficult for most so you are not alone. The goal is to get as close as possible to the prescribed intake but this is about progress not perfection.
  • Can I do two or three rest days in a row?
    • Yes you can, you'll just need to adjust your schedule to get the workouts in. People travel, life happens, its ok, don't stress over it. Just do your best to make up for it.
  • Should I combine two workout days into one?
    • You can combine any two workout days EXCEPT leg days together. Don't over do it.
  • I feel like I'm over doing it, I'm weak, I'm tired, I'm cranky or etc, what should I do?
    • Take a rest day, don't force a workout. Stick to your meal plan and regroup and reset the next day.
  • I cheated on my meal plan what should I do?
    • Learn from your mistake, why it happened and try and avoid the error next time. But do not stress, life happens and don't let one slip up or mistake turn into an excuse to slip up again and again.
  • How long should I rest between sets during a workout?
    • This number will be different for everyone but i suggest 60-90 seconds.
  • I'm not seeing any results after week 1 what should I do?
    • Some peoples bodies react quickly, others take some time. You should not expect drastic results in 1 week. Many of my clients don't see visual results until week 2-3. This is not a race, you need to trust the process, stay motivated and confidant that you too will have results.
  • My scale hasn't moved, why?
    • You will learn that the scale is NOT how we judge progress. Your photos and measurements will the story. Do not weigh  yourself more than once a week. The scale is the devil, the devil I tell ya!
  • My girlfriend asked me for a copy of the workout program and meal plan can I share it with her?
    • Thats a big legal no no, and I hope no one does so. Encourage her to sign up next time instead.

Measure Yourself

During this challenge you will learn & see that the scale is NOT nearly as important as how you feel & look. I have had many clients that have lost a few or as little as zero pounds but have dropped 2-4 pant sizes. The point is, its great to gave a baseline to help you gauge your personal progress. Additionally this will be part of your weekly check-ins form at the bottom of the challenge. This will help you track your changes and stay accountable.

Please take the following 6 measurements of yourself, write them down & save them. If you are going to do this weekly make sure you are always taking them around the same area, same time of day (morning preferred) & always the same way (flexed or unflexed).
Female Body

  1. Bicep/Arm: Your arm should be either straight out, straight down or flexed.
  2. Chest: Right under your chest where the bra strap would go.
  3. Waist: Go over your belly button.
  4. Hips: Try and go around the hip bone or where you may wear a belt or the top of your pants.
  5. Glutes/Butt: Go around the largest part of your booty.
  6. Thigh/Leg: Standing, flexed or un-flexed go around the middle of your leg or the largest part.
Your Age
Activity Level

Please enter values for all the fields.


Pill-96My generic (any store brand you choose) recommendations are that you take 2000mg of Vitamin C daily. Take 2-4 fish oil capsules a day. Take a multivitamin tailored to your gender daily. Also get BCAA’s (helps with soreness – mix 1 scoop with 20 oz of water and drink throughout your weight training workouts). You will not need to take BCAAS on “off weights” days. You may take Melatonin 5mg or Magnesium 500mg as a sleep aid. Also try to get 7-8 hours of sleep everyday if possible. Any other vitamins are up to you and your practitioner’s discretion. If you have a specific deficiency or proclivity, please see your practitioner for further advice.

My personal supplement recommendations that I take and you should also consider are from Sports Research and are as follows:

  • Omega 3 (2-4) or Krill Oil (1-2) with breakfast
  • CLA 1250 (boosts metabolism) 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal
  • Garcinia cambogia (1 for appetite suppressant) 3 times a day 30 minutes before a meal
  • MCT Oil (1 tbsp per day - helps with fat loss & energy) in the morning with coffee or shake
  • Turmeric Curcumin (1-3 for joint pain) as needed with a meal
  • L-Theanine Suntheanine (1 to help with focus - non-stimulant) take on an empty stomach in the morning

Get 20% off your order if you use the code: Fit20 at checkout. Yes you can take all these vitamins in one day, you don't have to take them all if you don't want to but these are my overall recommendations.

Sweet Sweat

Sweet Sweat I personally use & recommend the Sweet Sweat gel & waist belt. This is my go to during cardio and even some of my workouts. I'm sure many of you have seen me post about this product on my Instagram but if you have not it helps increase core body temperature, circulation and thus sweat. You get a little bit more out of your workouts. If you are looking to pick up a set simply go to and use the code FIT20 at checkout to get 20% off.

Challenge Intro:

Counting Macros 101:

5 Misconceptions about weight loss:

Sickness & Fitness:

Free Poster:

To help motivate you as part of your purchase of the challenge I am giving everyone one free autographed poster. I will time this so you get yours delivered sometime between week 2 and 4 of the challenge to give you an extra motivational boost. To get your poster you can go back to the shop and select the one you like, at check out use the coupon code: LDFCP2017 and it will discount it by 100%. The only thing you'll need to do is pay for shipping (I'm sorry if you are international as shipping a poster tube is very expensive). If you don't wish to receive a poster you do not have to get one but it is something I offer you guys. Only one poster per contestant, please do not share the code as I review everyone order to ensure they are challenge contestants. Coupon expires on 11/30/17.

KiK Messanger

KiK Msngr Although KiK Messenger was not advertised as part of this Challenge I am not quite ready to abandon this communication method. I have built in email communications via the Check-In form & Q&A sessions in the Facebook Support group; these are the first places you should be going for questions. KiK will become available during the 2nd or 3rd week of the challenge. This is to ensure people use the check-in form and the Facebook Support group first. Please read the following prior to contacting me: If you have a general question please use the Facebook group, also search the Facebook group to ensure you question wasn't already answered. As for KiK I use this Chat program to communicate with my clients for professional reasons only, not just to chit chat. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response, I will be available MondayFriday 10am-9pm. If you KIK me outside of those times, I may not be near that phone and you may get a delayed response. If you don’t get a reply within 48 hours for some reason, don’t be shy and just give me a little nudge, I’m here to help you but I too get a little behind sometimes with helping many people, working out or traveling. Make sure you have completed your Check-Ins prior to KiK messaging me as this will give me better insight into your progress or any issues. When you first KiK me, it’s helpful if your first message has at least one photo attached and some basic stats – Name, Age, Weight, Height, Calories if you track them & Goal (Weight Loss or Muscle Building) so I can better assist you as you have questions. Please allow for a few days for me to catch up from the initial messages & the start of the challenge. I personally talk to all of you so the first few days are crazy and I hope you understand. I do not have any assistant and you only talk to me and everything you share is for my eyes only. Please ensure you check the Facebook group for any generic questions to see if they have already been answered. If you have a question that is generic or could apply to many people please use the Facebook group to ask it. KiK is only for individually specific topics.

I just ask that you use common sense when asking questions, if you don’t know how many KGs are in 1 pound… please google something like this :) Please ask one or two questions at a time, prioritize your concerns to ensure I am able to get to you and everyone else in a timely manner.


The Meals:

It is VERY important that you try and eat the number of meals I suggest. Protein and Fats help keep the blood sugar even and stable; thereby reducing insulin spikes that lead to fat storage. In other words, if you eat carbs, you should eat proteins/fats within 15/20 minutes to prevent blood sugar spikes, which lead to fast fat storage. My meals are planned to include all 3 (carbs, fats and proteins together).

This is a challenge, not a custom meal plan (which I highly recommend to my clients for the best results tailored to each person’s body composition/lifestyle), so I am going to give several options on how to achieve the best results.

You can either follow my suggested meals for an average of about 1500-1700 calories a day for females and 1700-2000 for males, which should enable weight loss for most individuals, or if really want you can go to the Macro Calculator I provided above, see what calories should be for “fat loss” as well as calculating the macros (grams of carbs/fats/protein needed daily). If you use this scientific approach, it is much more likely you will have an individualized plan and your results will be better. If you calculate your macros, you can still use my meal plan suggestions and just calculate the portions needed to hit your grams of carbs, fats and proteins daily in the “myfitnesspal” app. Myfitnesspal is a food and exercise tracker to help stay on track with foods. I use it all the time. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CALCULATE ANYTHING IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO. MY PRESCRIBED MEAL PLANS WILL ENABLE HEALTHY FAT LOSS AND MUSCLE TONING. If your calorie calculations are above (Female - 1850) or (Male - 2100) please double check with me via KiK messenger after week 1. I suggest that you try week 1 without the Macro approach to see how the prescribed meal plan works for you - unless you are used to counting Macros. Also under the Video tab I have a Macro 101 Video, please watch it.


If you are planning on having a big cheat meal say on Thanks Giving or Christmas - during that entire week leading up to the holiday I want you to replace your 4th meal of the day with a meal 5 option. In other words I want you to have minimum carbs at both meals 4 & 5 for that week. This would help offset any large cheat meals you have. However, please remember to cheat "smart", don't simply go ham on anything and everything.


If on this challenge, you are having trouble losing weight any week, I advise dropping your carbs 2 oz per day per week (For example, if after week 1 you do not lose weight, drop 2 oz of carbs from a meal of your choice for week 2.) Since this challenge is not custom, I designed a program that works for “most.” However, everyone’s metabolism is slightly different. Because of that, you have access to KIK messaging me with any trouble or plateaus you may reach. I would advise dropping your carbs by 1 oz from a meal of your choice a week until you reach weight loss, then you can sustain that intake. Most everyone has excellent results as seen in my client transformations I post on my ig.

Meal 1

(Below are list of Meal Options for you to choose.)

1 slice Ezekiel bread (cinnamon raison OR original), dipped in ¼ cup egg whites or egg beaters, cooked on pan without oil (may use coconut oil spray). Side: 1 whole egg & 3 egg whites (cooked however you like). Topping options: 1 tbsp sugar free preserves (sweetened with stevia or splenda), OR 5 sprays of “I can’t believe its not butter” & 2 tbsps of sugar free syrup.
(254 cals, 17g C, 6g F, 17g P)

Udi's Tortilla wrap, 1 cup egg beaters scrambled, 2 tbs salsa, 1/4 avocado
(320 cals, 32g C, 12g F, 17g P)

½ cup egg whites, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 tsp baking powder, ½ medium sliced banana or ½ cup berries, ½ tbsp nut butter drizzled (or PB2 and add water), *add water to desired consistency
*May add 1-2 tbsp nonfat Fage greek yogurt
*may add 2 tbsp sugar free syrup
(302 cals, 22g C, 9g F, 37g P)

1 slice Ezekiel toast, ½ tbsp nut butter of your choice, ¼ banana sliced, Side of: ½ cup nonfat greek Fage yogurt
*May add 1 tsp of chia seeds (to topping)
*May add 1-2 stevia packets (to mix into nonfat greek yogurt to sweeten)
(286 cals, 28 g C, 11g F, 37g P)

2 slice Ezekiel toast/muffin, 2 tbsp avocado spread, 1 whole egg, Side of: ½ cup egg whites
*May add any seasonings/salt/reduced sugar ketchup/hot sauce/salsa
*May add veggies to scramble
(357 cals, 35g C, 6g F, 27g P)

Egg white patty: ½ cup egg whites, ½ cup arugula/spinach/greens, 1/2 tbsp olive oil/grapeseed oil/mct oil/coconut oil
*may add any seasonsings/salt/dash parmesan
On top of 1 Ezekiel bread toast/muffin
* add side of: 1/2 cup mixed berries or add second slice Ezekiel bread)
(341 cals, 31g C, 8g F, 20g P)

1 slice Ezekiel bread (may use bread or English muffins), 1 cup Liquid Egg Whites (scrambled), 1 Whole Egg (you may prepare eggs only in coconut oil SPRAY).
(270 cals, 20g C, 8g F, 20g P)

½ cup Fage Greek Nonfat Yogurt, ½ cup of berries berries (blue, strawb, black or rasp.), ¼ cup of GLUTEN FREE oatmeal, 10 nuts of cashews or almonds.
(250 cals, 31g C, 8g F, 18g P)

1/2 cup of GLUTEN FREE oats, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, ½ scoop protein powder
*May add 1/2 or 1 tbsp of MCT oil to coffee with this meal.
(245 g C, 34g C, 9g F, 25g P)

1/2 cup of liquid egg whites, 1/2 scoop protein powder, 1/4 cup gluten free oats blended (into flour), mix up and pour two pancakes, fry with coconut oil spray only. Use sugar free syrup 1-2tbsps and “I cant’ believe its not butter” spray instead of butter. *May add half medium banana sliced as topping or mashed into batter)
*May add 1/2 or 1 tbsp MCT oil to coffee with this meal
(255 cals, 33g C, 3g F, 30g P)

1 slice of Ezekiel bread, ½ tbsp Natural Nut Butter (no sugar, NO ADDITIVES), 1/2 cup liquid egg whites scrambled on side (suggest adding spices on top, cook only in coconut oil spray). May add 2 tbsp of sugar free raw preserves on the toast.
*May add 1/2 or 1 tbsp of MCT oil to coffee with this meal
(210 cals, 25g C, 5g F, 18g P)

“MEAT LOVERS BREAKFAST” (Low Carb Breakfast)
2 whole eggs, 1 cup liquid egg whites scrambled (suggest adding spices on top, cook only in coconut oil spray). Add 2 oz lean ground chicken or turkey (like a scrambled egg with sausage in it effect) or 2 slices of turkey bacon.
(241 cal, 4g C, 11g F, 22g P)

1 kale leaf, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 10 frozen berries OR ½ banana OR ½ apple, ½ cup nonfat greek yogurt, (may add ice).
(290 cals, 23g C, 7g F, 38g P)

1/2 cup of fruit (grapes, apple slices, strawberries, berries, orange slices) & 2 slices smoked salmon
(280 cals, 21g C, 12g F, 22g P)

MEALS 2-4:

For the NONVEGETARIANS and those of you who like the get creative and mix and match, here is the basic concept. PREPARE AND EAT 3 OF THESE MEALS BEFORE MEAL 5 A DAY. Usually eat every 3 hours if possible.

  • 3 oz of lean protein for females, (Chicken, 96% or LEANER ground beef/turkey, Roasted Turkey, Grilled non-fried Shrimp, light tuna in packet or White Fish)
  • 3 oz of carbs for females (boiled/baked sweet potatoes, brown rice, couscous, quinoa or red potatoes)
  • Fats options: 1oz nuts or 1 tbsp nut butter or 1/4 avocado or 1 tbsp MCT Oil or 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1-2 cups of GREEN veggies (steamed, grilled, or raw such as any lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, zucchini etc) Green veggies cooked only in zero calorie sprays such coconut oil spray.

MEAT EATERS: MEALS 2-4 OPTIONS (Eat 3 of the following options each day – do not eat the same meal 3 times a day though)

3 oz roast turkey breast, ¼ cup sweet potatoes, 6 steamed asparagus spears, ½ tbs coconut oil or 1tbs MCT Oil.
(259 cal, 23g C, 13g F, 20g P)

¼ avocado chopped, 2 cups of lettuce of your choice, 4 oz chicken breast, 2 hard-boiled egg whites (do not include the yolks), 2 TBSP of Fat Free Dressing of your choice.
(267 Cal, 7g C, 10g F, 39g P)

3 oz of chicken, 75 grams of couscous or brown rice (not fried unless cooked in coconut oil spray only), ¼ avocado OR ½ oz of nuts. May add reduced sodium soy sauce. ½ cup steamed broccoli, 1tbs MCT Oil.
(298 cal, 24g C, 10g F, 31g P)

3-4 oz of white fish (cod, flounder, tilapia etc) cooked in coconut oil spray, 2 oz of brown rice OR red potatoes OR sweet potatoes, 1 cup steamed zucchini. Add 1tbs MCT Oil on top after cooked or ½ tbs coconut oil.
(284 cal, 18g C, 15g F, 23g P)

4 oz of 96% ground beef OR LEANER, with 1 cups of steamed broccoli and 3 oz red potatoes. (May add 1 tbsp of nonfat FAGE greek yogurt to mashed potatoes and/or “I Can’t believe it’s Not Butter” spray to potatoes.) ½ cup st. squash/zucchini
(222 cal, 18g C, 4g F, 28g P)

3 oz of chicken breast tenders (1 tender = about 1 ounce), using 1 tbsp of almond meal per tender, dip tender in liquid egg whites, roll in 1/4 almond meal, 1/2 slice ezekiel bread crumbs or 1/4 cup ground flax seed), and pan fry in coconut oil spray in pan. Serve with 2 oz red potatoes, roasted or baked. May add side salad (greens for fiber and filler & fat free dressing).
(340 cal, 23g C, 14g F, 32g P)

3-4 oz grilled chicken/chopped, Trader joes spinach tortilla or Mission Low carb tortilla, ½ cup spinach leaves, ¼ avocado sliced or mashed, 1 tbsp Fage greek yogurt
*May add cilantro to greek yogurt
*May add salt and pepper
(311 cal, 23g C, 12g F, 30g P)

3-4 oz grilled shrimp, 2-3 tbsps nonfat greek Fage yogurt mixed with Cajun Lovers FlavorGod seasoning, ½ cup mushrooms, 1/4 chopped red onions, ½ cup zucchini, 2 oz brown rice, 1tbsp MCT Oil add after cooked.
*Meal 5 option without the rice
(361 cal, 33g C, 16g F, 21g P)

3-4 oz ground chicken, 2-3 tbsps of nonfat greek Fage yogurt mixed with Cajun Lovers FlavorGod seasoning, ½ cup mushrooms, ½ chopped red onions, ½ cup zucchini, 3 oz brown rice, 1tbsp MCT Oil add after cooked.
*Meal 5 option without the rice
(381 cal, 34g C, 15g F, 28g P)

4 oz grilled chicken (sauté in zero calorie pan spray), 1/8 cup red bell peppers (sautéed or grilled or kabob), 1/8 cup green bell peppers (sautéed or grilled or kabob), 1/8 cup sliced onion (sautéed or grilled or kabob), ½ cup cooked brown rice, 1 tbsp hummus on side, 1 tbsp greek yogurt FAGE on side
*Meal 5 option without the rice
(310 cal, 34g C, 8g F, 27g P)

1 Udi's low carb tortilla, ¼ cup of black beans boiled, 1 cup egg whites, 1oz baked sweet potato, ¼ avocado diced
*May add any seasonings/salt/reduced sugar ketchup/hot sauce/salsa
(359 cal, 38g C, 11g F, 34g P)

4 oz grilled salmon, ½ cup of white rice, ½ cup cooked brussel sprouts, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 tbsp lemon juice
*May add other seasonings/salt
*Meal 5 option without the rice
(359 cal, 26g C, 12g F, 28g P)

Makes 4 personal pizzas (serving size: 1 pizza)
Cauliflower crust:
- 2 cups Green Giant cauliflower florets
- ¾ cup almond meal
- 1.5 whole eggs
- 3 egg whites (remove yolks)
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast
Bake 4 personal pizza crusts at 450 deg for 15-20 min
Add toppings:
- ¼ cup per pizza (1 cup total)G Hughes Smokehouse sugar free hickory flavored BBG Sauce
- 1.5 cup chopped grilled chicken (divided over 4 pizzas)
- 1 cup chopped onions (1/4 cup per pizza)
(367 cal, 16g C, 19g F, 27g P)

4 oz of 99% lean ground turkey, seasoned with taco seasoning cooked in coconut oil spray, 1 cup shredded lettuce, 2 tbsp nonfat greek yogurt (optional as a sour cream flavor), 3 tbsp salsa, ½ cup diced tomatoes (may add other green veggies)
(189 cal, 11g C, 2g F, 32g P)

4 oz of imitation crab meat or shrimp or tuna or salmon (no spicy mayo), 1/4 avocado, assorted veggies (kale, cucumber, carrots, seaweed, ginger), may add soy sauce, 1/2 brown rice
(257 cal, 24g C, 8g F, 31g P)

4 oz of lean ground meat (drain all the liquid/fat), 1/2 cup (Green Giant) mashed cauliflower, 3oz red or sweet potato
(294 cal, 21g C, 13g F, 23g P)

You may order this from Chipotle: Bed of lettuce, small cup of rice thats used for salsa to go, 1 portion of chicken or tofu, grilled veggies, salsa, 1/2 portion of guac. No cheese, No sour cream & no dressings.
(320 cal, 49g C, 10g F, 8g P)

Only if you are in a pinch while traveling: Ask for the chopped salad, approved meats (turkey, tuna or grilled chicken), any veggies, salt or pepper, oil or vinegar, avocado. NO: mayo, cheese, dressings or bread.
(220 cal, 10g C, 5g F, 36g P)

Lemon Ginger Chicken & Asparagus Stir-Fry
(Ingredients for 1 serving)
6oz chicken breast (raw)
7 asparagus spears
1/2 cup brown rice (cooked)*
spray coconut oil
sesame seeds for texture and added flavor
Sauce: 3/4 – 1 tbsp Bragg Liquid Aminos, juice from 1 lemon, 1/2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar, 1 tsp ginger paste, 1/2 tbsp raw, organic honey 1 tsp tapioca starch as a thickener*
Chop chicken into small pieces. Cut off the white bottom of the asparagus spears then chop the remaining spear into pieces. In a bowl, mix together all of the ingredients for the sauce and set aside. Spray a nonstick skillet with coconut oil and set on medium high heat. Add chicken to the pan and cook for between 5 – 7 minutes or until the pieces are 85% cooked. Toss in chopped asparagus and stir with a wooden spatula. Allow the asparagus to sear for about 2 minutes.Reduce heat and then pour in the sauce. Stir quickly to ensure all the chicken and asparagus are equally coated. Enjoy with ½ cup of brown rice.
(269 cal, 20g C, 2g F, 43g P)

Stuffed Chicken Breasts
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon garlic, minced
1 cup (red) onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, seeds removed, chopped into slices
1 red bell pepper, seeds removed, chopped into slices
1 1/2 cups chopped portobello mushroom caps (optional)
juice from 1 lemon
sea salt & pepper
30oz raw chicken breasts (five ~6oz chicken breasts)
Seasonings for each breast: Pinch of salt & pepper, 1 teaspoon of dried Thyme.
Fire up grill to 350F or set oven to 400F. Set a nonstick skillet on medium heat and add coconut oil, garlic, onion and bell pepper. Saute for 1 minute, then toss in mushroom caps and squeeze in lemon. Cook and stir for 3 to 5 minutes until the onions are caramelized and the edges of the pepper are seared. Season to taste with sea salt & pepper. Season chicken breasts. Slice the chicken down it’s side to create a “pocket.” Do NOT butterfly the chicken, cutting it from top to bottom; slice it more so in the middle in order to create a deep pocket. Stuff each chicken with grilled veggies and 2 tablespoons of cheese. Place the chicken on the hot grill and cook for 20 minutes (flipping halfway), or until the juices of the chicken run clear and it is completely white.Serve immediately while hot; but, you can also eat these while cold, like chicken pizza! These are hearty pieces of protein so chop if them up for more than 1 serving.
(279 cal, 8g C, 7g F, 44g P)


I don’t know if you have heard of “no carbs after dark” as a saying. It is not necessarily true, but your body only burns carbs/energy during the day, not as much while sleeping, so it is a good rule of thumb if you are looking to lose fat. EAT YOUR CARBS EARLY IN DAY, which is why I give so many options for breakfast and the other meals. It fuels your body for the day, to keep your mind at attention and body energized for your workouts.

  • 3-4 ounces of lean protein (fish, chicken, turkey, salmon, canned tuna in water, canned chicken in water, or even a large egg white omelet). May eat lean red meat or sirloin steak once a week.
  • No carbs after dark if you can avoid it! Sorry! Read my snacks and cravings section for more info! You may eat Meal 5 late though (even right before bed is fine).
  • Veggies: green beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus, peas, mixed greens, kale, arugula, grilled peppers (no added oils), broccoli, bok choy, carrots, celery, cucumbers, spinach, broccolini, okra, cabbage, artichokes, eggplant, romaine lettuce, green onions, edamame & pickles

Cut butternut squash in half, scoop out seeds, drizzle with light oil and salt, place both halves down on sheet and bake for 45-50 minutes until soft. Use fork to scrape out middle which will create the spaghetti-like noodles, 1 serving:
- ½ cup of spaghetti squash noodles
- ½ cup of Walden Farms Tomato & Basil pasta sauce
- add 4 ounces of lean ground turkey or chicken (drain meat after sautéing in coconut oil spray)
(286 cal, 4g C, 22g F, 20g P)

Creates 4 - Serving size 1 pepper
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- 4 large green/red/bell peppers, seeded, cored, sliced in half lengthwise, Sautee veggies in coconut oil spray:
- cilantro
- 1 clove garlic
- garlic powder or Garlic Lovers Flavor God
- ½ cup chopped onion
- ½ cup chopped mushroom
- ½ cup chopped celery
Mix sautéed veggies with the following:
- 1-1 ¼ lb ground turkey (sauté in coconut oil spray and drain fat)
- salt & pepper
- may use any Flavor God to seasoning
- 1 cup Walden Farms Tomato & Basil sauce
Stuff your 4 peppers with the ground turkey/veggie stuffing & bake for 45 minutes.
1 bell pepper is a serving: around 300 calories, 18 g carbs, 12 g fats, 28 g protein.
(203 cal per stuffed pepper, 4g C, 9g F, 23g P)

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Meal 1

(Below are list of Meal Options for you to choose.)

1 slice Ezekiel bread (may use bread or English muffins), ½ cup Liquid Egg Whites (scrambled), 1 Whole Egg (you may prepare eggs only in coconut oil SPRAY).
(210 cal, 18g C, 6g F, 23g P)

½ cup Fage Greek Nonfat Yogurt, ½ cup of berries berries (blue, strawb, black or rasp.), ¼ cup of GLUTEN FREE oatmeal, 10 nuts of cashews or almonds.
(250 cal, 31g C, 8g F, 18g P)

1/4 cup of GLUTEN FREE oats, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, ½ scoop protein powder
(225 cal, 19g C, 8g F, 22g P)

½ cup of liquid egg whites, 1 scoop protein powder, mix up and pour two pancakes, fry with coconut oil spray only. Use sugar free syrup 1-2tbsps and “I cant’ believe its not butter” spray instead of butter. 1/4 cup oats. *May add 1 tbsp of MCT Oil to coffee.
(255 cal, 21g C, 4g F, 21g P)

1 slice of Ezekiel bread, ½ tbsp Natural Nut Butter (no sugar, NO ADDITIVES), ½ cup liquid egg whites scrambled on side (suggest adding spices on top, cook only in coconut oil spray). May add 2 tbsp of sugar free raw preserves on the toast.
(210 cal, 25g C, 5g F, 18g P)

1 kale leaf, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 10 frozen berries OR ½ banana OR ½ apple, ½ cup nonfat greek yogurt, (may add ice).
(290 cal, 23g C, 7g F, 38g P)

1/2 cup of fruit (grapes, apple slices, strawberries, berries, orange slices) & 2 slices smoked salmon, ½ apple (May add 1 tbsp of MCT Oil to coffee)
(280 cal, 21g C, 12g F, 22g P)

Smoked Salmon Mini Frittatas
2 Eggs & 4 Egg whites
1/3 Cup plain Greek yogurt
4oz Smoked salmon (or choice of protein)
1/4 Cup goat cheese
1 Cup Arugula (or Spinach)
1/8 Cup chopped green onions
Seasoning: Pepper
Set the oven to 350F. In bowl mix Eggs with Greek yogurt Add green onions, salmon, goat cheese & Arugula. Spray muffin cups with coconut oil and pour in mixture. Bake for 20 minutes at 350F.
(206 Cal, 2g C, 10g F, 24g P)

1 slices smoked salmon
1/4 avocado spread or 1 tbsp guac
2 slices ezekiel
(360 cal, 16g C, 21g F, 27g P)

Healthy Eggs Benedict
2 slices Ezekiel muffins
1 poached egg split
1 slice smoked salmon on top
1/4 cup cooked spinach
(356 cal, 32g C, 12g F, 27g P)

MEALS 2-4:

For the NONVEGETARIANS and those of you who like the get creative and mix and match, here is the basic concept. PREPARE & EAT 3 OF THESE MEALS BEFORE MEAL 5 EACH DAY. Usually eat every 3 hours if possible.

  • 3 oz of lean protein, (Grilled non-fried Shrimp, light tuna in packet or White Fish)
  • 3 oz of carbs (boiled/baked sweet potatoes, brown rice, couscous, quinoa or red potatoes)
  • Fats options: 1oz nuts or 1 tbsp nut butter or 1/4 avocado or 1 tbsp MCT Oil or 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1-2 cups of GREEN veggies (steamed, grilled, or raw such as any lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, zucchini etc) Green veggies cooked only in zero calorie sprays such coconut oil spray.

MEALS 2-4 OPTIONS (Eat 3 of the following options each day – do not eat the same meal 3 times a day)

3-4 oz of white fish (cod, flounder, tilapia, sea bass, snapper, halibut - 1tbsp coconut oil) cooked in coconut oil spray, 2 oz of brown rice OR red potatoes OR sweet potatoes, 1 cup steamed zucchini.
(318 cal, 27g C, 16g F, 20g P)

3-4 oz grilled salmon, ½ cup of white rice, ½ cup cooked brussel sprouts, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 tbsp lemon juice
*May add other seasonsings/salt
*Meal 5 option without the rice
(310 cal, 29g C, 9g F, 26g P)

4 oz of lean shrimp, seasoned with taco seasoning cooked in coconut oil spray, 1 cup shredded lettuce, 2 tbsp nonfat greek yogurt (optional as a sour cream flavor), 3 tbsp salsa, ½ cup diced tomatoes (may add other green veggies), may add ½ cup brown rice.
(294 cal, 32g C, 14g F, 36g P)

4 oz of imitation crab meat or shrimp or tuna or salmon (no spicy mayo), 1/4 avocado, assorted veggies (kale, cucumber, carrots, seaweed, ginger), may add soy sauce, 1/2 brown rice
(238 cal, 34g C, 6g F, 15g P)

½ cup fat free cottage cheese mixed with 2 oz tuna creations package. Use 15 carrots or celery sticks to dip into snack or ½ red apple.
(247 cal, 28g C, 2g F, 29g P)

Salmon burger & fries
Lean salmon burger patty (cals 110-140cals)
1/2 ezekiel muffin
3 oz baked sweet potatoes diced & baked
1 slice lettuce, may add 1 slice tomato
*May add reduced-sugar ketchup and/or mustard
(267 cal, 36g C, 5g F, 21g P)

Low Carb Tuna Mushroom melt - one serving: (4-6 mushrooms)
4 oz albacore tuna (2 packets)
4-6 baby bella mushrooms
2 tbsp dijon mustard
1 tbsp garlic paste
1/3 cup chopped cilatro
1/3 cup chopped red onion
*May add vegan cheese on top
Set oven to 400F. Drain excess water from the package of tuna. Combine all ingredients – except for the mushroom caps – into a large bowl. Mix together. Remove stems from the mushrooms and scrape out the inside of the cap using a spoon. Build the sliders. Evenly divide the tuna salad among the 3 sliders. Top the tuna salad with a piece of vegan cheese and then add the mushroom cap as the top bun. Skewer the entire slider with a wooden kabob stick. Place the slider on a baking sheet and then wrap foil around the slider to keep it from moving in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes at 400F.
(225 cal, 9g C, 7g F, 27g P)

Low carb Crispy Fish Sticks
4 oz white fish (tilapia/cod/flounder)
Cover in egg whites & dip and cover sticks in 1/4 cup almond meal
Pan fry strips in coconut oil spray (add any seasonings including salt)
May add Heinz reduced sugar ketchup or 1/4 cup nonfat greek yogurt mixed with Ranch or Walden farms barbecue sauce
(305 cal, 5g C, 17g F, 33g P)

Healthy Tuna Melt
3oz of White Albacore Tuna
Mix Tuna with 1 Tbsp. Non fat Greek Yogurt or Mustard.
1 slice of Ezekial bread
Go Veggie American Cheese
(356 cal, 23g C, 15g F, 34g P)

Low Carb Tuna Melt
3oz of White Albacore Tuna
Mix Tuna with 1 Tbsp. Non fat Greek Yogurt or Mustard.
Slices of Tomato
Go Veggie American Cheese
(309 cal, 15g C, 14g F, 32g P)


I don’t know if you have heard of “no carbs after dark” as a saying. It is not necessarily true, but your body only burns carbs/energy during the day, not as much while sleeping, so it is a good rule of thumb if you are looking to lose fat. EAT YOUR CARBS EARLY IN DAY, which is why I give so many options for breakfast and the other meals. It fuels your body for the day, to keep your mind at attention and body energized for your workouts.

  • 3-4 ounces of lean protein (fish, canned tuna in water,  even a large egg white omelet). May eat salmon 3 times a week.
  • No carbs after dark if you can avoid it! Sorry! Read my snacks and cravings section for more info! You may eat Meal 5 late though (even right before bed is fine).
  • Veggies: green beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus, peas, mixed greens, kale, arugula, grilled peppers (no added oils), broccoli, bok choy, carrots, celery, cucumbers, spinach, broccolini, okra, cabbage, artichokes, eggplant, romaine lettuce, green onions, edamame & pickles

“PESCETARIAN/VEGGIE SUSHI” – 1 cup of edamame (soybeans), (or ½ cup of edamame if you want to add 3 ounces of fish – tuna, yellowtail, imitation crab meat, shrimp or salmon), ½ cup salad, ¼ cup of cucumber, may use reduced sodium soy sauce

“SHRIMP PASTA” – 4-6oz grilled shrimp, 1 cup zucchini noodles, garlic sauce (1/4 avocado, 1 clove garlic, 1tbs lemon juice, salt & pepper, 1/2 tbs olive oil).

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Suggested Brands

Beyond Meat, Gardein, Tofurky, Trader Joes, LiteLife, Boca Burger, Quorn, Fry's & Field Roast.
Try an keep your Cal's per meal 250-350, Carbs 15-40g, Fats 7-14g, Protein 15-30g

Meal 1

(Below are list of Meal Options for you to choose.)

1 tbsp white chia seeds, 1 1⁄2 cups almond milk, 1-2 drops liquid stevia, 1 tsp vanilla essence, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 1⁄4 cup frozen berries, ¼ scoop of Vega One protein (or whey if on regular diet). Stir, leave in fridge overnight – ready to serve.
(290 cal, 18g C, 13g F, 20g P)

1⁄2 cup Soya Yogurt, 1⁄4 cup of berries berries (blue, strawb, black or rasp.), 1⁄4 cup of GLUTEN FREE oatmeal, 10 nuts of cashews or almonds, 1⁄2 scoop Vega One.
(309 cal, 36g C, 12g F, 17g P)

Green Leaf Foods Raw Kale Wrap tortilla, 1⁄4 cup of black beans boiled, 1⁄2 cup tofu crumbles, 1⁄4 avocado diced
*May add pinch of vegan cheese
*May add any seasonings/salt/reduced sugar ketchup/hot sauce/salsa
(347 cal, 39g C, 8g F, 29g P)

1 slice Canyon bakehouse gluten free vegan bread, 1 tbsp avocado spread, ½ cup tofu scramble
*May add any seasonings/salt/reduced sugar ketchup/hot sauce/salsa
*May add greens
(202 cal, 22g C, 10g F, 15g P)

1⁄4 cup of GLUTEN FREE oats, 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk, ½ scoop protein powder
(225 cal, 19g C, 8g F, 22g P)

1 slice of Ezekiel bread, ½ tbsp Natural Nut Butter (no sugar, NO ADDITIVES), 1 cup liquid egg whites scrambled on side (suggest adding spices on top, cook only in coconut oil spray). May add 2 tbsp of sugar free raw preserves on the toast.
(210 cal, 25g C, 5g F, 18g P)

1 kale leaf, 1 scoop whey protein, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 10 frozen berries OR ½ banana OR ½ apple, ½ cup Soya yogurt, (may add ice).
(306 cal, 30g C, 9g F, 30g P)

2 lean black bean burgers (cooked only in coconut oil spray if on pan), 1⁄4 cup sweet potato's (cooked in coconut oil spray only)
(285 cal, 36g C, 10g F, 23g P)

Vega One protein powder 1 scoop mixed with 1 cup unsweetened almond milk or cashew milk. 1 oz raw almonds or cashews.
(331 cal, 18g C, 19g F, 27g P)

1 Ezekiel slice, LiteLife Veggie Burger, 20 cucumbers slices
(266 cal, 29g C, 8g F, 21g P)

Veggie Shake: 1 kale leaf, 1 oz chia seeds, 1 scoop Vega One Protein Powder & 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk or cashew milk
(318 cal, 24g C, 16g F, 22g P)

Tofu crumbles (3-4 oz) mixed with 3 oz sweet potatoes/quinoa/couscous or red potatoes
(173 cal, 6g C, 4g F, 13g P)

100g Tempeh (Lightlife), ½ cup of fruit (grapes, apple slices, strawberries, berries, orange slices OR half a grapefruit).
(200 cal, 21g C, 5g F, 20g P)

Sausage & Yogurt breakfast
4 oz vegan meatless sausage
100 g Alpro soya yogurt (any flavor)
(297 cal, 28g C, 10g F, 21g P)

MEALS 2-4 Options:

PREPARE AND EAT 4 OF THESE MEALS EACH DAY. Usually eat every 3 hours if possible. Try and mix up your meals as to not eat the same thing every day.

  • 3 oz of protein
  • 3 oz of carbs for females (boiled/baked sweet potatoes, brown rice, couscous, quinoa or red potatoes)
  • Fats options: 1oz nuts or 1 tbsp nut butter or 1/4 avocado or 1 tbsp MCT Oil or 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1-2 cups of GREEN veggies (steamed, grilled, or raw such as any lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, zucchini etc) Green veggies cooked only in zero calorie sprays such coconut oil spray.

“TOFU LOVERS” – 3 oz Tofu, 2 oz of brown rice OR red potatoes OR sweet potatoes, 0.5-1 cup green veggies (raw or cooked).
(195 cal, 26g C, 6g F, 13g P)

"TOFU SCRAMBLER" – 1 package Lifelite veggie burger, ¼ cup mushrooms, 2 tbsps diced onions, spices as needed, ¼ cup spinach, 2 tbsps yeast, ¼ avocado
(301 cal, 13g C, 15g F, 18g P)

"CAULIFLOWER RICE 1" –  1 cup Green Giant sweet potato/cauliflower rice, 3-4 oz organic seitan OR 5-6 oz Tofu cooked, ½ apple (fresh on the side)
(253 cal, 22g C, 8g F, 23g P)

"CAULIFLOWER RICE 2" –  1 cup Green Giant Cauliflower rice cooked, 4 ounces organic Seitan cooked, 4 ounces greens cooked (green beans, broccoli, 6 spears of asparagus, or grilled peppers), 2oz sweet potato, 0.5 tbsp coconut oil (may cook food in it).
(315 cal, 30g C, 9g F, 31g P)

“TEMPEH LOVERS” – 3oz of Tempeh, 75 grams couscous, 1 cup mixed veggies
(391 cal, 36g C, 19g F, 20g P)

"TEMPEH KALE SALAD" – 6-8 oz Litelife Tempeh cooked, eaten with 2 cups mixed greens, kale, spinach or any leafy green salad. 1 tbsp Light Fat free dressing (balsamic, lemon, etc)
(333 cal, 28g C, 10g F, 36g P)

“PB&J” – 1 Slice Ezekiel bread, 1 tbsp natural peanut butter, 1 tbsp sugar free jam/preserves & 1 scoop Vega One Protein powder mixed with 1 cup unsweetened almond milk & stevia.
(360 cal, 35g C, 15g F, 24g P)

“CAULIFLOWER RICE BOWL” – 1/2 cup of grilled veggies, 1 cup of cauliflower head (ground into rice pellets – cooked on stovetop in 1 tbsp of coconut or grapeseed oil, ½ cup of beans of your choice.
(289 cal, 28g C, 16g F, 12g P)

You may order this from Chipotle: Bed of lettuce, small cup of rice thats used for salsa to go, 1 portion of tofu, grilled veggies, salsa, 1/2 portion of guac. No cheese, No sour cream & no dressings.
(320 cal, 49g C, 10g F, 8g P)

“BLACK BEAN BURGER” – 1 Morningstar black bean burger patty, 1 slice Ezekiel toast OR ½ cup of red or sweet potatoes (roasted or baked), lettuce or mixed greens & 1-3 slices or cherry tomatoes.
(285 cal, 50g C, 8g F, 17g P)

“PESCETARIAN/VEGGIE SUSHI” – 1 cup of edamame (soybeans), (or ½ cup of edamame if you want to add 3 ounces of fish – tuna, yellowtail, imitation crab meat, shrimp or salmon), ½ cup salad, ¼ cup o cucumber, may use reduced sodium soy sauce
(284 cal, 20g C, 7g F, 33g P)

"TOFU CAULIFLOWER MASH"  5-6 oz Tofu cooked, 4 ounces greens cooked (green beans, broccoli, 6 spears of asparagus, or grilled peppers) & ½ cup Green Giant mashed cauliflower (original OR garlic & herb)
(225 cal, 14g C, 12g F, 19g P)

"COTTAGE CHEESE SNACK" – ¾ cup Fat free cottage cheese, ½ cup black beans drained & cooked OR ½ cup kidney beans drained and cooked.
(285 cal, 39g C, 0g F, 30g P)

"TEMPEH SPAGHETTI" – 6oz of Tempeh, 1/2 a baked squash into spaghetti, 1/2 cup of steamed veggies of your choice, 1/4 cup low fat tomato sauce.
(352 cal, 32g C, 15g F, 26g P)

Veggie UnChicken Stir Fry
Quinoa 1/2 cup
1/2 cup green beans
100g Fry's Unchicken strips
(346 cal, 33g C, 14g F, 22g P)

Soyrizo Stuffed Bell Peppers
220g soyrizo (optional)
3 colorful bell peppers
2 cups cooked quinoa
1 can (15oz) black beans, drained
8oz tomato sauce, no salt (or natural ketchup)
1 tablespoon chipotle chili powder
3/4 tablespoon cumin
sea salt & pepper to taste
spray olive oil
Garnish: shredded cashew cheese or soy cheese (optional)
Set oven to 420F. Cook the quinoa according to the instructions provided and set it aside.First, slice open some bell peppers with a sharp knife and carve out the inside. Place the bell pepper halves face down on a baking dish and bake for about 15 minutes at 420F. While they’re baking, spray a nonstick skillet with olive oil and toss in soyrizo. Chop and cook the soyrizo in the for about 5 minutes until all the sides are brown. To a bowl, add cooked quinoa, black beans, the soyrizo, tomato sauce, cilantro, chipotle chili powder, cumin and sea salt & pepper. Thoroughly mix it up. Evenly divide the mixture among the bell pepper halves. If desired, cover each bell pepper with vegan shredded cheese. Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for roughly 25 minutes at 420F.
(235 cal, 37g C, 7g F, 13g P) per 1 stuffed pepper


I don’t know if you have heard of “no carbs after dark” as a saying. It is not necessarily true, but your body only burns carbs/energy during the day, not as much while sleeping, so it is a good rule of thumb if you are looking to lose fat. EAT YOUR CARBS EARLY IN DAY, which is why I give so many options for breakfast and the other meals. It fuels your body for the day, to keep your mind at attention and body energized for your workouts.

  • 3-4 ounces of protein
  • No carbs after dark if you can avoid it! Sorry! Read my snacks and cravings section for more info! You may eat Meal 5 late though (even right before bed is fine).
  • Veggies: green beans, brussel sprouts, asparagus, peas, mixed greens, kale, arugula, grilled peppers (no added oils), broccoli, bok choy, carrots, celery, cucumbers, spinach, broccolini, okra, cabbage, artichokes, eggplant, romaine lettuce, green onions, edamame & pickles


Below is an example of a weekly meal plan for those that are able to eat ANY food available to them from my program and want to diversify each day as much as possible. This is just an example of how you can choose to structure your meals. Click on the image to enlarge it - best viewed on a desktop computer or printed out.

Cheat Meals

Cutlery-100For this challenge, cheat meals are not part of the prescribed terms. I include prescribed cheat meals in challenges around the holidays for obvious reasons to be able to participate in holiday events without completely losing track of the weight loss challenge. However, for those challenges, meals were reduced prior and after to make up for the calorie surplus on cheat days. For this challenge, one cheat meal a week (on Friday after leg day) is allowed but not advised for best results. This challenge has a lot of food and food options so for best results, stick to the plan. If you must cheat, wait until Friday for that one meal cheat.


Cheating Versus “Cheat Meal”

This is a challenge and with that comes exactly that, A CHALLENGE! LOL. All of us cheat. I do, you do, so just be prepared. Don’t let one meal or one slip up ruin your progress. Jump right back on track if you slip up. Use the Facebook Support Group if you would like tips on what to eat if you are prepared for a social event in which you might cheat. What I will say is some people have a stronger will power than others. Know that if you cheat, it’s not the end of the world, but someone else in this challenge may have taken it more seriously and decided not to cheat. They might get better results but don’t be discouraged because 99% of people cannot be strict every day. If you are losing weight every week (1-3 lbs), you can give yourself a “cheat meal” – just once a week, and then get right back to the meal plan for the remainder of the week. Do not allow a cheat meal turn into a cheat day or cheat week. Some people think a cheat meal is necessary to get the cravings/insanity/emotions reset, other people have enough will power to not cheat during the challenge. Once your metabolism realizes you are eating healthy/proper amount of calories for weight loss, cheat meals usually help reset the metabolism and help with weight loss to prevent those “plateaus” that can occur from long term low calorie diets (when the body has gone into starvation mode to salvage the body’s expenditure.) Cheat meals can be good, but only once a week during this challenge if you must.

I don’t want people to get confused. To me, “cheat meal” is a planned out meal where you eat what you want. Each of you can have ONE CHEAT MEAL (anything of your choice no more than 1000 calories or so) Friday night after Leg Day.

However “cheating” is different. That is when you give into your cravings randomly and allow yourself to go off track that day when you were supposed to follow the plan. Just so you know, the more you “cheat” with sugar foods, the more you will crave the sugar. The less you cheat, the less you will crave the sugary cheats. If you feel the need to “cheat” here are the recommended “craving killer” foods I suggest:

Suggested craving alternative foods: (this is NOT RECOMMENDED TO GET BEST RESULTS, it’s simply BETTER “cheats” than HIGH FAT, HIGH SUGAR foods.)

  • Weight watchers 80 calorie frozen yogurt bars
  • Quaker’s “Popped” 90 calorie rice cake snacks
  • Kellogg’s Crispy Chips 90 calorie bags
  • Quest double chocolate chunk bar – 120 calories
  • 60 calorie Sugar free jello or sugar free pudding with fat free whipped cream
  • Arctic Zone Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream (may eat ½ or full pint).
  • Lean Turkey jerkey
  • 100 calorie fat free popcorn
  • Big Slice Apple Pouch

Other tips: chew sugar free gum if you get a craving or drink more water/green tea/tea/coffee.

Please be warned that your body only craves what you give it so if you chose to eat a lot of sugar carbs/fatty foods, your body will crave it. If you avoid it, the cravings subside and usually only visual/sensory cues will remind you of those foods. Do not skip meals, it causes your blood sugar to drop and cravings to come back.

Beverage Snacks:

Coffee with unsweetened almond milk. Add truvia or stevia for sweetener.  Drink 1 gallon of water daily as your beverage or zero calorie drinks. No reason to waste calories on drinks. Drink as close to a gallon of water a day as you can. You need to flush your body of toxins especially when weight training. AVOID ALCOHOL. IF you must drink, choose low calorie alcoholic drinks like “vodka soda” or “tequila soda.”

Free Foods:

ALL green veggies such as celery, cucumbers, broccoli (for most part), pickles and salads are okay to snack on with or in between meals :)

Extra protein is good in between meals! Here are some examples: hard boiled egg whites, light tuna packets, light jerky (98% fat free turkey, beef), lean deli meats (chicken or turkey slices), and 80 calorie Greek yogurt cups.

If you are still hungry in between meals, please snack on a rice cake (35-45 cals a piece) or a popped rice cake pack by Quakers – variety of flavors – calories are only 90 each.

Please do not add any dressings or condiments other than the following: coconut oil spray may be used to cook any food, mustard is allowed in any amount, 2 tbsp preservative free salsa to eggs or meats, vinegar okay (no oil), may use stevia 1 packet with coffee or ½ packet with oatmeal, any amount of green tea is allowed. May use A1 steak sauce, hot sauce, vinegar, and fat free balsamic dressing.

You may use any and all spices to your meals! Get creative! Look up recipes to include your meal choices if you prefer to get a little fancy! I highly recommend adding FlavorGod seasonings if you want to add quick and easy flavor to any meal!

Obviously you need to stay away from all fried foods, added sugars and ANY extra food that’s not equivalent in grams on this list. If you have questions or need variety or changes made, let me know. I’ll be more than happy to incorporate different foods and diversify your meal plan accordingly. Just know this is a change of less intake and calories than you are used to :) It is highly encouraged that you work out according to the training below but if you miss a workout, do not skip meals. You need to keep your metabolism nice and steady :)  You may eat these meals at any time of the day as long as they are all eaten within a 24 hr period, even right before bed if need be.

Meal prepping is highly encouraged and shows the highest success rates. I will warn you that it can take 2 hours to meal prep for 3-5 days. Sometimes I prep for one day at a time, sometimes for more than one day depending on how much time I have that day. Being flexible will definitely help you. I also use a meal prep service called New Vision Nutrition to help substitute some of my meals. If you want to give these a try use my code to get 10% off your order: DRAIN10

Pre-workout: You may take a “pre-workout” of your choice. Do your research and trial a smaller than suggested amount for the first time to see how your body reacts. A lot of people like to take pre-workout for morning or day time workouts. Do not take pre-workout after 6pm to avoid insomnia.

During workout: 1 scoop BCAAS, 3 tablets of Vitamin C mixed with water – drink during weightlifting to prevent excess soreness. (ONLY ON WEIGHT TRAINING DAYS)

Post-Workout: One scoop of whey or vegan protein isolate per shake mixed with water (equivalent to no more than 120 calories, no more than 2 g carbs and 1 g of fat)

OR 1 double chocolate chunk Quest bar

OR ½ pint of Artic Zone Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream. (ONLY ON WEIGHT TRAINING DAYS)


  • Limit Dairy to nonfat Greek yogurt & nonfat cottage cheese
  • Avoid too much salt, although you don’t need to watch amounts
  • Low carb Ketchup (sweetened with splenda is okay) but not regular ketchup
  • Hot sauce is allowed
  • Fat free Balsamic is recommended or any low fat/low carb dressing for salads
  • I use “I can’t believe it’s not Butter” Spray in place of butter
  • I use Coconut Oil Spray to cook all protein and veggies
  • Mustard is okay
  • I bring Truvia (stevia) with me everywhere I go (for coffee or to mix in my own drinks)


Many of you are choosing to do this challenge to better your health and body but don’t want to suffer from social isolation! I totally understand! I have been there! I want you to stay on track for a “lifestyle” not just a “diet.” That is how I am able to stay lean/maintain a balance all year!

Here are my best tips if you are EATING OUT:

  • Choose meals similar to amounts and foods I have on this plan
  • Ask for no butter or oil if possible
  • Bring your own sauces/dressing/spices if you want to (ladies I do this lol)
  • PORTION CONTROL (ask for 3-4 oz protein meals and eyeball the carbs to eat no more than ½-1cup)
  • Drink water only or zero calorie drinks
  • Stay away from dairy foods

GROCERY LIST for 1-2 weeks

  • Sprouted grains bread: (put in fridge if you will eat daily; freeze if you don’t eat bread daily)
    • Ezekiel bread (Trader joes, Whole Foods, Walmart, Most grocery stores)
    • Pepperidge Farm Sprouted grains bread
  • 1 jar of nut butter (natural almond, natural peanut, natural macadamia etc)
  • 1 small carton of truvia
  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 1 jar of olive oil 8 or 14 oz OR 32 oz of MCT Oil (sports research) OR 14 oz coconut oil (jar)
  • 2 bananas (will only eat ¼ banana a day)
  • 4-5 medium apples (will only eat ½ apple a day max)
  • Gluten-free oats
  • 1-2 bags of arugula/spinach/greens/kale
  • Unsweetened almond milk (30 cals per cup)
  • 1 bag Frozen mixed berries or fresh raw berries if you prefer (use green bags/green containers to keep fresh for full week)
  • Frozen veggies (broccoli, Brussel sprouts, green beans, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, zucchini, mixed peppers/onions etc)
    • may buy fresh veggies but will need to keep in green bags/containers to keep fresh all week (wash/cut and place in green containers ASAP to keep fresh for 7 days)
  • Coconut oil spray/Pam Olive Oil Spray/Pam Spray (0 cal pan spray)
  • Bag of raw unsalted nuts (macadamia, almonds, cashews etc – may eat 10-20 nuts per meals 2-4 if that is the only fat source)
  • 14 oz box or 1 lb bag of white rice/brown rice/couscous/quinoa (may buy all and interchange)
  • Bag of sweet potatoes or red potatoes if you hate sweet potatoes but red potatoes are HIGHER GLYCEMIC FOODS (freeze half if you don’t cook all at once)
  • Bag of shredded lettuce (for salads, wraps, chipotle bowls etc)
  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Grilled peppers
  • Cucumbers
  • Green Giant Mashed Cauliflower (found in frozen veggie section)


  • Carton of eggs
  • Carton of egg whites
  • 1 tub whey or vegan protein (2 lbs) suggestions:
    • Optimum Nutrition
    • 1st phorm Phormula-1
  • FAGE Nonfat greek yogurt or any nonfat greek yogurt, no added sugar
  • FAT-FREE Cottage cheese
  • 3-4 1 lb packages Lean ground chicken or turkey (96-99% lean) (may freeze half)
  • 1-2 packages of Trader Joes Fully Cooked Oven Roasted Turkey Breast (1 lb per package)
  • 5 lbs of frozen chicken breast (cheapest way to purchase chicken but not as healthy and you have to defrost and meal prep all this chicken)
  • OR Fully prepared and ready to eat chicken:
    • 5-10 packages of Applegate naturals chicken strips (comes in packages of 8 oz) OR Nature-raised farms chicken strips (comes in packages of 8 oz)


  • Chia seeds
  • Ground flax seeds
  • Black beans (canned or dry)
  • Garbanzo beans (canned or dry)
  • Kidney beans (canned or dry)
  • Up to 5 lbs (80 oz) of Beyond meat options (freezer or fridge section)
  • LightLife Tempeh burgers – 2 burgers per serving
  • LightLife Smart Patties (black bean burgers) 2 patties 200 cals is one serving
  • LightLife Smart Patties with quinoa – 2 patties 200 cals is one serving (to be used in a meal)
  • LightLife Smart ground crumbles (4 ounces per serving) – 3 in a package of 12 oz.
  • Gardein meatless meatballs – 4 servings in a package – 90 g in a serving.
  • Tofurky deli slices – 5 slices is a serving (3 servings per package)
  • Vegan plant protein powder:
    • Vega (Vegan protein from Whole Foods)
    • Orgain Organic Slim (vegan protein at Trader Joes)
  • 1 package Daiya cheese for toppings (keep to 2 tbsps per serving)


  • Up to 5 lbs of fish protein – fresh or frozen (flounder, cod, tilapia, salmon) – Fish market section
  • 10 packets of 2 oz Tuna Creations (select your flavors) – eat 2 packets at a time (4 oz)
  • Imitation crab packet (deli section)
  • Medium or Jumbo Shrimp – raw, depeeled, deveined shrimp tail-on – cook or grill 6 shrimp per serving (about 5-6 servings per bag of 40 shrimp)


  • MCT Oil – 20% off use discount code FIT20 :
  • Sugar-free pancake syrup
  • Organic salsa or trader joes salsa (2 tbsps per serving)
  • Hot sauce – 2 tbsps per serving
  • Walden Farms Tomato & Basil Pasta Sauce (Spaghetti squash pasta meal)
  • FlavorGod seasonings (Cajun, TacoTuesday, Garlic Lovers
  • Garlic, celery, onions (for cooking or stuffed peppers)
  • Butternut squash (for spaghetti squash)
  • Carrots, seaweed, ginger (for poke bowl toppings)
  • Reduced sodium soy sauce (for poke bowl topping)
  • Lemon juice
  • Any and all spices including salt
  • Popcorn seasonings to help season foods
  • 1 Mission Low carb tortilla
  • Udi’s Tortilla Wraps
  • Sugar-free or reduced-sugar preserves (as topping on bread)
  • “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” spray
  • Reduced-sugar Heinz ketchup
  • Yellow Mustard
  • Fat-free dressing (prefer balsamic)
  • Coffee (for brewing or instant)
  • Tea
  • Zero Calorie Drinks such as Sparkling Ice or Store-brand flavored drinks
  • Dansani or any brand flavored drops (zero cal flavor added to water)
  • Sugar-free gum


  • Package of Skinny Girl Popcorn or fat free 100 calorie pack popcorn = 1 serving
  • Quaker rice cakes (apple cinnamon, chocolate, cheddar, ranch etc)
  • 2-4 oz is a serving of Turkey Jerky (buy multiple packs as these have long shelf life)
  • Packets of 2 oz Tuna Creations (I usually get 10 for $10) – 4 oz is a serving (2 packs)
  • Quaker popped single packs 90 cals (variety pack)
  • Sugar-free jello
  • Arctic Zero Ice Cream – ½ pint is a serving (For flavors with 35 cals per serving, may have 2 servings = 1 cup. For flavors with 75 cals per serving, one serving = ½ cup).
  • Protein Bar suggestions:
  • Quest bars under 200 calories
  • Thinkthin bars under 200 calories
  • Proper macros: 160-190 calories, 20-25 g protein, 0-25 g carbs, 0-2 g fats




If you need a break from meal prep, or to save some time, try out a meal prep service. I currently recommend and use the following:

New Vision Meals @newvisionmeals : use discount code DRAIN10 for 10% off and place orders by Sunday to get them to arrive by Wednesday. May try out signature meals or customize your meals/portions. May start with a few meals to try and order more the following week. Foods will stay fresh for a whole 6-7 days max.



Barbell-96Based off of the chart below and your level of intensity the number of Workouts, HIIT Sessions and Body Circuits will change each week. Body Circuits are much harder than HIIT workouts and thus they burn more fat. Use the chart below to help guide you with your workout selections – If you want to try a body circuit during the first week instead of a HIIT session by all means sub it in as many times as you'd like. Additionally the number of workouts for each day will change from week to week.

Workout Selection: Since everyone starts at various levels of intensity I have created a table to help guide you through the 6 weeks of training. The intensity of the workouts is to increase from week to week. For example if you consider yourself a beginner, during your first week you will choose 3 weight training workouts from the list of options for that particular day, you'll do 0 Body Circuits that week and do 6 HIIT sessions. This does NOT mean you only pick 3 days of weight training for the week, but rather select 3 workouts for each weight training day. For example for the first week: Day 1 – Leg Day you will pick 3 leg workouts, Day 2 – Back/Abs you will pick 3 Back workouts and pick 3 Ab workouts. If at any point during the week you feel you can either increase or need to decrease your intensity you can move up or down in scale. If the HIIT workouts are too hard, you should do as many minutes as you can of the HIIT and finish the rest of your time at lower intensity levels. For example, if you are prescribed 30 minutes of HIIT (such as in the first week HIIT session), and you find the sprint intervals too intense to complete for the full duration, you may do sprints for as long as you can, for ex, 15 minutes, and then finish the last 15 minutes with the low intensity steady state cardio (Speed Walk, Jog, Slow Cycle & etc). Try and work up the stamina to do HIIT for the full duration each week, but you may finish at low intensity until you build up the proper tolerance.


Week  Weight Training Body Circuit HIIT
1 3 workouts 0 6
2 4 workouts 0 6
3 4 workouts 1 5
4 5 workouts 1 5
5 5 workouts 2 4
6 5 workouts 2 4


Weight Training
Body Circuit HIIT
1 4 workouts 0 6
2 4 workouts 0 6
3 4 workouts 1 5
4 5 workouts 2 4
5 5 workouts 2 4
6 5 workouts 3 3


Weight Training
Body Circuit HIIT
1 5 workouts 0 6
2 5 workouts 1 5
3 5 workouts 1 5
4 5 workouts 2 4
5 5 workouts 3 3
6 5 workouts 4 2


Sweet Sweat Belt

Many of you have seen me use this product to help during training and cardio. It helps increase circulation, core body temp, sweat, calorie expenditure and decreases bloat. You can order yours Sweet Sweat Stick & Waist Trimmer on and use my discount code to get 20% off: Fit20

Workout Videos

Workout Videos are available on the Instagram account LaurenDrainVideos. You can also search for LDF hashtags related to each movement, workout or cardio. Examples would be #LDFWorkout or #LDFCardio or narrow it down to #LDFLegs or #LDFArms or #LDFAbs or #LDFShoulders and all the way down to a specific workout like #LDFSquat or #LDFCurtsyLunges or #LDFSquatRow.


Meeting-96Tell your friends and family that you are participating in this challenge. Try and find a workout buddy. Take it seriously. Post pictures of your progress if you’d like. Look for support and excitement in choosing to take on this challenge. It can and will better your life. My first 6 week challenge did! It propelled me into fitness/fueling my body for health/strength/aesthetics, I'm so glad that I did it. Use the Facebook group to help motivate one another, to ask questions or to stay on track.


Welcome to the first week of the challenge. Just a heads up that the first week can be a struggle for some people - but don't worry, the goal is simply to get through it. I have designed the challenge to have a bit of an on-ramp build up so as the weeks go on things will get slightly harder - but you will be ready for it! During the first week your goal is to complete the designated workouts, if you feel they are not challenging enough you can go up a level, for example from Beginner to Intermediate, or simply do an extra workout for that day. If you are struggling, don't worry, at the end of the week you will have a much better understanding of your body, what you can and can not do and will be more prepared for week 2. Later on weeks will also have more workout options for you to choose from, but for week 1 I want you to stick to the basics and just get through it without giving up!

Week 1 - HIIT will be 30 minutes each day. If you are struggling with HIIT do as many minutes as you can and then complete the remainder of your time as Low Intensity Cardio. This is common for Week 1 for those that have done zero cardio in the past, don't worry, we must learn to walk before we really run!

Reminder: You do not need to start with Leg Day as your first day of working out, you can mix the days around to fit your schedule, so long as you complete all the workout days in 1 week. Try and split up Leg Days to have at least 2 days in between. Those 2 days can be workout days for other body parts or a mix of rest and workout; we just don't want you to do legs without proper recovery time in between.

BEGINNERS: For this week you will complete a total of Zero Body Circuits, 6 HIIT Cardio sessions and 3 workouts per day.

INTERMEDIATE: For this week you will complete a total of Zero Body Circuits, 6 HIIT Cardio sessions and 4 workouts per day. If you'd like to try a Body Circuit feel free to do so.

ADVANCED: For this week you will complete a total of Zero Body Circuits, 6 HIIT Cardio sessions and 5 workouts per day. If you'd like to try a Body Circuit feel free to do so.


Only drink the prescribed post workout shake AFTER weight training but within 30 minutes and ONLY ON weight training days please :) Do not do same muscle group two days in a row.

The following are SUGGESTED weight training workouts. For best results or increased challenge, you may do 5-6 of the workouts suggested but I would save that for later weeks. I broke the challenge up into 5 days of weight training with HIIT or Body Circuits for cardio & strength. If you must skip a day, I prefer you do the HIIT cardio or Body Circuit instead of the weight training. So if you are short on time, DO NOT skip the HIIT Cardio / Body Circuit. That is the most important way to continue fat loss and help increase the metabolism.

DAY 1 LEG DAY (Select 3-5 of the following) & HIIT or Body Circuit

Warm UP: Row for 400m, or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes and stretch out legs.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Squats at the Rack (may use smith machine if necessary although not recommended) 4×20 lighter weight and then 4×6-8 heavy (photo)
  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Lying ham curls – 3×15 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Leg Press – Feet together at top of sled, DO NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES OUT!, always maintain a slight bend of the knee (2×20 light, 4×6-8 heavy) (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Wide Stance) 4×15 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE: Select a total of 4 from your list & above:

  • Weighted Walking lunges – 4×12 each leg (total of 24 reps each set) (photo)
  • Weighted Step-Ups – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Back Squat - Narrow Stance (smith or free standing) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Straight Leg Deadlift – 3×10 (photo)

ADVANCED: Select a total of 5 from your list & above:

  • Jumping squats (may start with no weight if necessary, these can be difficult) 6×10 or 3×30 depending on your endurance level – I use either dumbbell bt legs or straight ez bar across my shoulders. Drive through your heels/keep weight in heels, and chest up. (photo)
  • Hip Thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Back Squat with 1 Second Pause/Pulse at bottom – 3×10

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

HIIT session or Body Circuit – (remember this goes up by 5 minutes each week).

DAY 2 Back & Abs (Select 3-5 Back & 3-5 Abs)

Back Workouts
BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Seated Row – 3×15 (Wide bar attachment) (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown 3×15 (Wide or narrow) (photo)
  • Bentover dumbbell rows – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Machine assisted pull-ups – 4×10

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Weighted Back Extensions with Twist at top 3×15 (plate or dumbbell in hand) (photo)
  • T-Bar Rows between legs – 4×15 (photo)
  • Cable Row close grip to chest – 3×15 (photo)
  • Cross Cable Lat Pulldown – 3×10 (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown - Wide grip behind back – 3×10 (slow and controlled) (photo)

Ab workouts

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Planks – 4 rounds of 1 min planks (or work up to 1 min at time planks) – rest no longer than 90 seconds between rounds. (photo)
  • Exercise ball sit ups  – 4×15 (photo)
  • Crab Toe Touch – 3×10 each side (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12 (put dumbbell bt legs for increased challenge and ab development) (photo)
  • Weighted Cable Crunches 3×15 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3)
  • Russian Medball Twist – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Wood Choppa – 4×12 (photo)
  • Ab Rollout with Barbell or Wheel – 3×10 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam Roll back.
Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

DAY 3 SHOULDERS (Select 3-5 workouts) & Calves (2)

Warm Up: Shoulder circles forward x20, Shoulder circles backward x20, Row 400m or Arm cycle/elliptical for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Lateral Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Forward Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Shoulder press overhead – 4×10 (photo)
  • Seated Calf Raises – 4×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves) – 4×20 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Thruster (DB or Straight Bar) – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Around The World – 3×12 (photo)
  • Arnold Dumbell Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Seated Calf Raises (1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves; 1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam roll back, calves & Sampson Stretch (photo).

Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

Day 4: Arms (Select 3-5)

Warm Up: Row 400m, or Arm Cycle/Elliptical for 5 minutes.

  • Bicep curls (individual at rack) – 4×15 each arm (photo)
  • Bicep curls with EZ bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Assisted or non-assisted dips 3×12 (photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – V-Rope – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bench press – 4×10

Complete a HIIT session or a Body Circuit.

DAY 5 Legs Again & CHEAT MEAL DAY! (1 meal of your choice if you choose to cheat up to 1200 calories)

Warm Up: Samson stretch each leg, pigeon stretch each leg, do 10 body weight jump squats, and row 400 m or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (photo)
  • Back Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Walking Lunges – 4×12 each leg or 24 total steps per set (photo)
  • Jumping Squat – 4×12 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Sumo Deadlifts (Close grip, Wide stance, bend knee, flat back, keep bar very close to body) 3×12 heavy (PS photo | SD photo)
  • Weighted step-ups – 4×12 steps per side
  • Straight legged deadlifts (normal grip hip width apart, normal stance, no bend in knee, focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes to bring bar up). 3×10 heavy. (photo)
  • Hip thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Weighted Jumping Lunges – 4×10 each side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

Complete your HIIT session or Body Circuit.

DAY 6 – OFF (REST DAY) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


DAY 7 – OFF (REST DAY OR HITT or BODY CIRCUITS – OPTIONAL) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


You've made it! Week one tends to be the hardest for most people, there are a LOT of things to get used to, a lot of new foods, lots of workouts, work/life/gym balance being found and etc. Do NOT stress if you had some hiccups, some set backs or etc - this was just week 1 of 6 for the challenge but week 1 of the rest of your transformation journey and fit lifestyle. I did a Facebook Live to answer questions so make sure in the Facebook group you click on the Videos tab to see my talk.

Check-Ins: Please ensure that you have your initial check in done and have completed your Week 1 Check-Ins. This will ensure that if and when you ask me a personal question I am able to assist you. This also helps keep you accountable and on track and will help highlight any changes your body is going through.

When it comes to weight loss during your first week; some have lost weight others may not have and some even put on a little bit. During Week 1 very few people see results, DO NOT STRESS over it, this is not a sprint and this does not mean you are doing something wrong. Your body is still adjusting, some people react better than others or put in the work differently. I say again, DO NOT STRESS, you are not doing something wrong, it usually takes about 2 weeks for people to adjust and at this point you've done a body part ONCE and everything is NEW to you. Just stick to the program, trust the process, DO NOT over think every little detail. You are already doing 10x better than most and you ARE on your way to a transformation even if the dumbass scale doesn't say so just yet.

Also by now I hope you have learned that the little details most people stress about do not really matter... simply do as much of the work as you can and stick to as much of the meal plan as possible and you're on your way.

When it comes to the workouts, they will not differ much week to week, but I will be adding new workouts later on in the challenge. We kept it hidden to ensure you guys focus on whats currently ahead of you but we'll make some changes down the road. Your cardio is going up by 5 minutes this week. Some of you will now do an extra workout each day (refer to chart or info below). I want you to try and drink all your water each day and try and stick to your meal plan.

Week 2 - HIIT will be 35 minutes each day.

Reminder you do not need to start with Leg Day as your first day, you can mix the days around to fit your schedule so long as you complete all the days in 1 week. Try and split up Leg Days to have at least 2 days in between of other body parts or rest or both.

BEGINNERS: Complete a total of Zero Body Circuits, 6 HIIT Cardio sessions this Week and 4 workouts/movements per day.

INTERMEDIATE: Complete a total of Zero Body Circuits, 6 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 4 workouts/movements per day. If you want to you can try a Body Circuit (Optional).

ADVANCED: 1 Body Circuits  & 5 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts/movements per day.


Only drink the prescribed post workout shake AFTER weight training but within 30 minutes and ONLY ON weight training days please :) Do not do same muscle group two days in a row.

The following are SUGGESTED weight training workouts. For best results or increased challenge, you may do 5-6 of the workouts suggested but I would save that for later weeks. I broke the challenge up into 5 days of weight training with HIIT or Body Circuits for cardio & strength. If you must skip a day, I prefer you do the HIIT cardio or Body Circuit instead of the weight training. So if you are short on time, DO NOT skip the HIIT Cardio / Body Circuit. That is the most important way to continue fat loss and help increase the metabolism.

DAY 1 LEG DAY (Select 3-5 of the following) & HIIT or Body Circuit

Warm UP: Row for 400m, or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes and stretch out legs.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Squats at the Rack (may use smith machine if necessary although not recommended) 4×20 lighter weight and then 4×6-8 heavy (photo)
  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Lying ham curls – 3×15 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Leg Press – Feet together at top of sled, DO NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES OUT!, always maintain a slight bend of the knee (2×20 light, 4×6-8 heavy) (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Wide Stance) 4×15 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE: Select a total of 4 from your list & above:

  • Weighted Walking lunges – 4×12 each leg (total of 24 reps each set) (photo)
  • Lunge with a pulse – Weighted or Body Weight – 3×10 per leg (photo)
  • Weighted Step-Ups – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Back Squat - Narrow Stance (smith or free standing) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Straight Leg Deadlift – 3×10 (photo)

ADVANCED: Select a total of 5 from your list & above:

  • Jumping squats (may start with no weight if necessary, these can be difficult) 6×10 or 3×30 depending on your endurance level – I use either dumbbell bt legs or straight ez bar across my shoulders. Drive through your heels/keep weight in heels, and chest up. (photo)
  • Weighted or Body Weight Curtsy Lunges – 4×12 (BW photo | WT photo)
  • Hip Thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Back Squat with 1 Second Pause/Pulse at bottom – 3×10

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

HIIT session or Body Circuit – (remember this goes up by 5 minutes each week).

DAY 2 Back & Abs (Select 3-5 Back & 3-5 Abs)

Back Workouts
BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Seated Row – 3×15 (Wide bar attachment) (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown 3×15 (Wide or narrow) (photo)
  • Bentover dumbbell rows – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Bentover Row at Smith Machine – 3×10 (photo smith | photo free)
  • Machine assisted pull-ups – 4×10

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Cable Row to navel in squat position – 3×15 (Narrow Grip) (photo)
  • Weighted Back Extensions with Twist at top 3×15 (plate or dumbbell in hand) (photo)
  • Pull-ups (assisted or unassisted, try to decreased weight resistance each time) 4×8 (photo)
  • T-Bar Rows between legs – 4×15 (photo)
  • Cable Row close grip to chest – 3×15 (photo)
  • Cross Cable Lat Pulldown – 3×10 (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown - Wide grip behind back – 3×10 (slow and controlled) (photo)
  • Row Machine – 3 sets of 400m row (as fast as possible – try to get around 2 minutes – rest for 90 seconds between sets – you will be in pain!) (photo)

Ab workouts

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Planks – 4 rounds of 1 min planks (or work up to 1 min at time planks) – rest no longer than 90 seconds between rounds. (photo)
  • Exercise ball sit ups  – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicycle Crunches – alternate knee to elbow – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Crab Toe Touch – 3×10 each side (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12 (put dumbbell bt legs for increased challenge and ab development) (photo)
  • Weighted V-ups (this requires a lot of core stabilization, may start with no weight, work up to weighted ball or dumbbells. 4×10 (photo)
  • Weighted Cable Crunches 3×15 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3)
  • Russian Medball Twist – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Wood Choppa – 4×12 (photo)
  • Hanging Knee Raises + Twist or Weighted – 3×10 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4)
  • Ab Rollout with Barbell or Wheel – 3×10 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam Roll back.
Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

DAY 3 SHOULDERS (Select 3-5 workouts) & Calves (2)

Warm Up: Shoulder circles forward x20, Shoulder circles backward x20, Row 400m or Arm cycle/elliptical for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Lateral Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Forward Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • EZ bar shoulder raise – 3×12 (photo)
  • Shoulder press overhead – 4×10 (photo)
  • Dumbell Scarecrow – 3×12
  • Seated Calf Raises – 4×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves) – 4×20 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Thruster (DB or Straight Bar) – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Clean & Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Around The World – 3×12 (photo)
  • Arnold Dumbell Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Seated Calf Raises (1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves; 1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam roll back, calves & Sampson Stretch (photo).

Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

Day 4: Arms (Select 3-5)

Warm Up: Row 400m, or Arm Cycle/Elliptical for 5 minutes.

  • Bicep curls (individual at rack) – 4×15 each arm (photo)
  • Bicep curls with EZ bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Cable bicep curls with straight bar 4×15 (photo)
  • Assisted or non-assisted dips 3×12 (photo)
  • Single bicep cable curls – 4×15 per side (Cable photo | DB photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – V-Rope – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – Straight Bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bench press – 4×10

Complete a HIIT session or a Body Circuit.

DAY 5 Legs Again & CHEAT MEAL DAY! (1 meal of your choice if you choose to cheat up to 1200 calories)

Warm Up: Samson stretch each leg, pigeon stretch each leg, do 10 body weight jump squats, and row 400 m or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (photo)
  • Plie Squat – 4×15 (photo 1 | photo 2)
  • Back Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Squat Hold – 4 sets of up to 1 minute each (photo)
  • Walking Lunges – 4×12 each leg or 24 total steps per set (photo)
  • Jumping Squat – 4×12 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Split squats – one leg up on a bench behind you, may use smith machine if unable to balance using dumbells or ez bar (also called Bulgarian split squats) – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Sumo Deadlifts (Close grip, Wide stance, bend knee, flat back, keep bar very close to body) 3×12 heavy (PS photo | SD photo)
  • Weighted step-ups – 4×12 steps per side
  • Leg Press - Singles (straight or side leg) – 3×12 steps per side (drive through heel) (photo)
  • Straight legged deadlifts (normal grip hip width apart, normal stance, no bend in knee, focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes to bring bar up). 3×10 heavy. (photo)
  • Hip thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Weighted Jumping Lunges – 4×10 each side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

Complete your HIIT session or Body Circuit.

DAY 6 – OFF (REST DAY) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.

DAY 7 – OFF (REST DAY OR HITT or BODY CIRCUITS – OPTIONAL) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


You should take a second to congratulate yourself on making it this far and sticking to a structured program. By now you should have a better understand at what your body can and cant achieve, how to portion your food and get your meals in during the day. The first 2 weeks for most are a lot of trial and error sorting through the workout/life balance and thats perfectly ok. For many it takes a few weeks of adjustment, a few slip ups, cheats or etc to really dial things in. With the following weeks your goal is to be as strict as possible when it comes to your meal intake & workouts. Try and stick to the program as much as possible as this is where it really counts.

Also, get off the scale! Do not step on that thing more than once a week. Do not stalk the numbers day by day, and if you do step on it make sure its early in the morning after you've gone to the bathroom. Take measurements, take photos and put them into a side by side comparison. If you see any difference you should be proud. After all, you've only completed 2 weeks out of 6!

Check-Ins, by now you should have at the very least an Initial Check-In and one if not two weeks. If you missed a week, it happens, but please be sure to get in the next one ASAP. This is for your benefit and will help you stay on track, see progress or problem areas and will help me help you better.

When it comes to the workouts, they will not differ much week to week, we kept it hidden to ensure you guys focus on whats currently ahead of you but we'll make some changes down the road. Your cardio is going up again by 5 minutes this week. Some of you will now do an extra workout each day (refer to chart or info below).

Week 3 - HIIT will be 40 minutes each day. You should be doing at least 1 Body Circuit this week depending on your intensity level.

Reminder you do not need to start with Leg Day as your first day, you can mix the days around to fit your schedule so long as you complete all the days in 1 week. Try and split up Leg Days to have at least 2 days in between of other body parts or rest or both.

BEGINNERS: Complete 1 Body Circuit, 5 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 4 workouts per day.

INTERMEDIATE: Complete 1 Body Circuit, 5 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 4 workouts per day.

ADVANCED: 1 Body Circuits  & 5 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day. Try new Body Circuit this week and if you can try for a 2nd BC instead of a HIIT session on your "easy" day.


Only drink the prescribed post workout shake AFTER weight training but within 30 minutes and ONLY ON weight training days please :) Do not do same muscle group two days in a row.

The following are SUGGESTED weight training workouts. For best results or increased challenge, you may do 5-6 of the workouts suggested but I would save that for later weeks. I broke the challenge up into 5 days of weight training with HIIT or Body Circuits for cardio & strength. If you must skip a day, I prefer you do the HIIT cardio or Body Circuit instead of the weight training. So if you are short on time, DO NOT skip the HIIT Cardio / Body Circuit. That is the most important way to continue fat loss and help increase the metabolism.

DAY 1 LEG DAY (Select 3-5 of the following) & HIIT or Body Circuit

Warm UP: Row for 400m, or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes and stretch out legs.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Squats at the Rack (may use smith machine if necessary although not recommended) 4×20 lighter weight and then 4×6-8 heavy (photo)
  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Lying ham curls – 3×15 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Leg Press – Feet together at top of sled, DO NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES OUT!, always maintain a slight bend of the knee (2×20 light, 4×6-8 heavy) (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Narrow Stance) 4×15 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Wide Stance) 4×15 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE: Select a total of 4 from your list & above:

  • Weighted Walking lunges – 4×12 each leg (total of 24 reps each set) (photo)
  • Lunge with a pulse – Weighted or Body Weight – 3×10 per leg (photo)
  • Weighted Step-Ups – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Back Squat - Narrow Stance (smith or free standing) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Jump Squats – 4×10 (photo)
  • Straight Leg Deadlift – 3×10 (photo)

ADVANCED: Select a total of 5 from your list & above:

  • Jumping squats (may start with no weight if necessary, these can be difficult) 6×10 or 3×30 depending on your endurance level – I use either dumbbell bt legs or straight ez bar across my shoulders. Drive through your heels/keep weight in heels, and chest up. (photo)
  • Weighted or Body Weight Curtsy Lunges – 4×12 (BW photo | WT photo)
  • Hip Thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Back Squat with 1 Second Pause/Pulse at bottom – 3×10
  • Smith Machine Split Squat – 3×10 Per Side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

HIIT session or Body Circuit – (remember this goes up by 5 minutes each week).

DAY 2 Back & Abs (Select 3-5 Back & 3-5 Abs)

Back Workouts
BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Seated Row – 3×15 (Wide bar attachment) (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown 3×15 (Wide or narrow) (photo)
  • Bentover barbell rows – protect lower back – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bentover dumbbell rows – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Bentover Row at Smith Machine – 3×10 (photo smith | photo free)
  • Machine assisted pull-ups – 4×10

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Cable Row to navel in squat position – 3×15 (Narrow Grip) (photo)
  • Weighted Back Extensions with Twist at top 3×15 (plate or dumbbell in hand) (photo)
  • Pull-ups (assisted or unassisted, try to decreased weight resistance each time) 4×8 (photo)
  • T-Bar Rows between legs – 4×15 (photo)
  • Pullover with dumbbell – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Row close grip to chest – 3×15 (photo)
  • Cross Cable Lat Pulldown – 3×10 (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown - Wide grip behind back – 3×10 (slow and controlled) (photo)
  • Row Machine – 3 sets of 400m row (as fast as possible – try to get around 2 minutes – rest for 90 seconds between sets – you will be in pain!) (photo)

Ab workouts

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Planks – 4 rounds of 1 min planks (or work up to 1 min at time planks) – rest no longer than 90 seconds between rounds. (photo)
  • Exercise ball sit ups  – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicycle Crunches – alternate knee to elbow – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • V-Ups – 3×10 (Go as high as you can) - May add weight (photo)
  • Crab Toe Touch – 3×10 each side (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12 (put dumbbell bt legs for increased challenge and ab development) (photo)
  • Weighted V-ups (this requires a lot of core stabilization, may start with no weight, work up to weighted ball or dumbbells. 4×10 (photo)
  • Weighted Cable Crunches 3×15 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3)
  • Russian Medball Twist – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Wood Choppa – 4×12 (photo)
  • Plank ball pull-ins – 4×12 (photo)
  • Hanging Knee Raises + Twist or Weighted – 3×10 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4)
  • Ab Rollout with Barbell or Wheel – 3×10 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam Roll back.
Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

DAY 3 SHOULDERS (Select 3-5 workouts) & Calves (2)

Warm Up: Shoulder circles forward x20, Shoulder circles backward x20, Row 400m or Arm cycle/elliptical for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Lateral Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Forward Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • EZ bar shoulder raise – 3×12 (photo)
  • Shoulder press overhead – 4×10 (photo)
  • Rear Delt/Fly machine – 4×12 (photo)
  • Upright Dumbell Row – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Scarecrow – 3×12
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves) – 4×20 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Thruster (DB or Straight Bar) – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Clean & Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Around The World – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Press - Alternating Singles – 3×12 per side (photo)
  • Arnold Dumbell Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Seated Calf Raises (1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves; 1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam roll back, calves & Sampson Stretch (photo).

Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

Day 4: Arms (Select 3-5)

Warm Up: Row 400m, or Arm Cycle/Elliptical for 5 minutes.

  • Bicep curls (individual at rack) – 4×15 each arm (photo)
  • Bicep curls with EZ bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • EZ bar “Skull Crushers” (have someone spot you your first couple of attempts) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable bicep curls with straight bar 4×15 (photo)
  • Assisted or non-assisted dips 3×12 (photo)
  • Single bicep cable curls – 4×15 per side (Cable photo | DB photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – V-Rope – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – Straight Bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep bendover extension – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bench press – 4×10

Complete a HIIT session or a Body Circuit.

DAY 5 Legs Again & CHEAT MEAL DAY! (1 meal of your choice if you choose to cheat up to 1200 calories)

Warm Up: Samson stretch each leg, pigeon stretch each leg, do 10 body weight jump squats, and row 400 m or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (photo)
  • Plie Squat – 4×15 (photo 1 | photo 2)
  • Back Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Squat Hold – 4 sets of up to 1 minute each (photo)
  • Walking Lunges – 4×12 each leg or 24 total steps per set (photo)
  • Lunge Pulses + Weight – 3×12 per leg (photo)
  • Jumping Squat – 4×12 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Split squats – one leg up on a bench behind you, may use smith machine if unable to balance using dumbells or ez bar (also called Bulgarian split squats) – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Sumo Deadlifts (Close grip, Wide stance, bend knee, flat back, keep bar very close to body) 3×12 heavy (PS photo | SD photo)
  • Sumo squat walking pulses (weighted or not) – 4×10 steps per side (photo)
  • Weighted step-ups – 4×12 steps per side
  • Leg Press - Singles (straight or side leg) – 3×12 steps per side (drive through heel) (photo)
  • Straight legged deadlifts (normal grip hip width apart, normal stance, no bend in knee, focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes to bring bar up). 3×10 heavy. (photo)
  • Hip thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Weighted Jumping Lunges – 4×10 each side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

Complete your HIIT session or Body Circuit.

DAY 6 – OFF (REST DAY) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


DAY 7 – OFF (REST DAY OR HITT or BODY CIRCUITS – OPTIONAL) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


Welcome to the second half of the challenge. You should be proud of yourself for getting this far! During the next 3 weeks you should become even more accustomed to the workouts, the meals & the new lifestyle. Many of you have already seen progress weather its via pounds lost (although avoid the scale if you can), inches lost or just overall change in body composition via progress photos. Please do not be discouraged if your progress is not as drastic as someone else's, remember you are competing against yourself first and foremost. Everyones bodies react differently and some people have greater results right off the bat where as others puck up speed towards the end. The bottom line is you are here, you are putting in the work, you are making changes and pushing for progress. If this was easy and you could achieve your amazing results in just 3 weeks, trust me this would be a 3 week challenge not 6 and I wouldn't call it a lifestyle change but a crash diet.

However, if you are struggling with seeing significant results please do not hesitate to post up in the Facebook support group, post your progress photos from week 1 to most recent even if you feel you do not see anything. Sometimes having positive encouragement is what it takes or even an outside eye giving you some reenforcement. If you need to feel free to KiK message me and I will see if we need to adjust your macros.

Workouts: When it comes to the workouts if you are struggling with seeing results do not hesitate to work in an extra body circuit this week either instead of a HIIT session or as an extra workout during your off day.

Meals: Feel free to drop your Carbs by 1 or 2 oz during meal 2 and/or 3 for the duration of this week. This is only recommended for those that are struggling to see results. However you are free to start to experiment with minor changes to your meal plan such as dropping your carbs here and there to generate the best of results. Remember, this is not a free for all and you should stick to the program with only this minor adjustment. If you have any questions review the Facebook support group or post up in there and I will address them.

Week 4 - HIIT will be 45 minutes each day. You should be doing at least 1 Body Circuit this week depending on your intensity level.

Reminder you do not need to start with Leg Day as your first day, you can mix the days around to fit your schedule so long as you complete all the days in 1 week. Try and split up Leg Days to have at least 2 days in between of other body parts or rest or both.

BEGINNERS: Complete 1 Body Circuit, 5 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 4 workouts per day.

INTERMEDIATE: Complete 2 Body Circuit, 4 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 4 workouts per day.

ADVANCED: 2 Body Circuits  & 4 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day.


Only drink the prescribed post workout shake AFTER weight training but within 30 minutes and ONLY ON weight training days please :) Do not do same muscle group two days in a row.

The following are SUGGESTED weight training workouts. For best results or increased challenge, you may do 5-6 of the workouts suggested but I would save that for later weeks. I broke the challenge up into 5 days of weight training with HIIT or Body Circuits for cardio & strength. If you must skip a day, I prefer you do the HIIT cardio or Body Circuit instead of the weight training. So if you are short on time, DO NOT skip the HIIT Cardio / Body Circuit. That is the most important way to continue fat loss and help increase the metabolism.

DAY 1 LEG DAY (Select 3-5 of the following) & HIIT or Body Circuit

Warm UP: Row for 400m, or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes and stretch out legs.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Squats at the Rack (may use smith machine if necessary although not recommended) 4×20 lighter weight and then 4×6-8 heavy (photo)
  • Deadlifts (may do traditional, Straight-legged – targets hams, or Sumo – targets hams/glutes) 3×12 heavy (keep your back flat, have someone watch you to ensure you do not round out your lower back). (SL photo) | SD photo)
  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Lying ham curls – 3×15 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Leg Press – Feet together at top of sled, DO NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES OUT!, always maintain a slight bend of the knee (2×20 light, 4×6-8 heavy) (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Narrow Stance) 4×15 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Wide Stance) 4×15 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE: Select a total of 4 from your list & above:

  • Single Legged Dead Lifts – 3×10 each leg
  • Weighted Walking lunges – 4×12 each leg (total of 24 reps each set) (photo)
  • Lunge with a pulse – Weighted or Body Weight – 3×10 per leg (photo)
  • Weighted Step-Ups – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Back Squat - Narrow Stance (smith or free standing) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Jump Squats – 4×10 (photo)
  • Straight Leg Deadlift – 3×10 (photo)

ADVANCED: Select a total of 5 from your list & above:

  • Jumping squats (may start with no weight if necessary, these can be difficult) 6×10 or 3×30 depending on your endurance level – I use either dumbbell bt legs or straight ez bar across my shoulders. Drive through your heels/keep weight in heels, and chest up. (photo)
  • Weighted or Body Weight Curtsy Lunges – 4×12 (BW photo | WT photo)
  • Hip Thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Back or Front Squat with 1 Second Pause/Pulse at bottom – 3×10
  • Smith Machine Split Squat – 3×10 Per Side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

HIIT session or Body Circuit – (remember this goes up by 5 minutes each week).

DAY 2 Back & Abs (Select 3-5 Back & 3-5 Abs)

Back Workouts
BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Seated Row – 3×15 (Wide bar attachment) (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown 3×15 (Wide or narrow) (photo)
  • Bentover barbell rows – protect lower back – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bentover dumbbell rows – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Bentover Row at Smith Machine – 3×10 (photo smith | photo free)
  • Machine assisted pull-ups – 4×10

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Cable Row to navel in squat position – 3×15 (Narrow Grip) (photo)
  • Weighted Back Extensions with Twist at top 3×15 (plate or dumbbell in hand) (photo)
  • Pull-ups (assisted or unassisted, try to decreased weight resistance each time) 4×8 (photo)
  • T-Bar Rows between legs – 4×15 (photo)
  • Pullover with dumbbell – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Row close grip to chest – 3×15 (photo)
  • Bentover Alternating Dumbbell Row – 3×10 (photo)
  • Cross Cable Lat Pulldown – 3×10 (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown - Wide grip behind back – 3×10 (slow and controlled) (photo)
  • Row Machine – 3 sets of 400m row (as fast as possible – try to get around 2 minutes – rest for 90 seconds between sets – you will be in pain!) (photo)

Ab workouts

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Planks – 4 rounds of 1 min planks (or work up to 1 min at time planks) – rest no longer than 90 seconds between rounds. (photo)
  • Exercise ball sit ups  – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicycle Crunches – alternate knee to elbow – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Laying flutter kicks – 3 rounds of 1 minute (photo)
  • V-Ups – 3×10 (Go as high as you can) - May add weight (photo)
  • Crab Toe Touch – 3×10 each side (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12 (put dumbbell bt legs for increased challenge and ab development) (photo)
  • Weighted V-ups (this requires a lot of core stabilization, may start with no weight, work up to weighted ball or dumbbells. 4×10 (photo)
  • Weighted Cable Crunches 3×15 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3)
  • Russian Medball Twist – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Wood Choppa – 4×12 (photo)
  • Plank ball pull-ins – 4×12 (photo)
  • Hanging Knee Raises + Twist or Weighted – 3×10 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4)
  • Decline Bench Situp + Weight – 3×10 (photo)
  • Ab Rollout with Barbell or Wheel – 3×10 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam Roll back.
Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

DAY 3 SHOULDERS (Select 3-5 workouts) & Calves (2)

Warm Up: Shoulder circles forward x20, Shoulder circles backward x20, Row 400m or Arm cycle/elliptical for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Lateral Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Forward Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • EZ bar shoulder raise – 3×12 (photo)
  • Shoulder press overhead – 4×10 (photo)
  • Rear Delt/Fly machine – 4×12 (photo)
  • Upright Dumbell Row – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Scarecrow – 3×12
  • Seated Calf Raises – 4×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves) – 4×20 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Thruster (DB or Straight Bar) – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Clean & Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Around The World – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Press - Alternating Singles – 3×12 per side (photo)
  • Arnold Dumbell Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Seated Calf Raises (1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves; 1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam roll back, calves & Sampson Stretch (photo).

Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

Day 4: Arms (Select 3-5)

Warm Up: Row 400m, or Arm Cycle/Elliptical for 5 minutes.

  • Bicep curls (individual at rack) – 4×15 each arm (photo)
  • Bicep curls with EZ bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicep hammer curl - alternating – 4×15
  • EZ bar “Skull Crushers” (have someone spot you your first couple of attempts) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable bicep curls with straight bar 4×15 (photo)
  • Assisted or non-assisted dips 3×12 (photo)
  • Single bicep cable curls – 4×15 per side (Cable photo | DB photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – V-Rope – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – Straight Bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep bendover extension – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bench press – 4×10

Complete a HIIT session or a Body Circuit.

DAY 5 Legs Again & CHEAT MEAL DAY! (1 meal of your choice if you choose to cheat up to 1200 calories)

Warm Up: Samson stretch each leg, pigeon stretch each leg, do 10 body weight jump squats, and row 400 m or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (photo)
  • Hack Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Plie Squat – 4×15 (photo 1 | photo 2)
  • Back Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Squat Hold – 4 sets of up to 1 minute each (photo)
  • Walking Lunges – 4×12 each leg or 24 total steps per set (photo)
  • Lunge Pulses + Weight – 3×12 per leg (photo)
  • Jumping Squat – 4×12 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Split squats – one leg up on a bench behind you, may use smith machine if unable to balance using dumbells or ez bar (also called Bulgarian split squats) – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Sumo Deadlifts (Close grip, Wide stance, bend knee, flat back, keep bar very close to body) 3×12 heavy (PS photo | SD photo)
  • Sumo squat walking pulses (weighted or not) – 4×10 steps per side (photo)
  • Weighted step-ups – 4×12 steps per side
  • Leg Press - Singles (straight or side leg) – 3×12 steps per side (drive through heel) (photo)
  • Straight legged deadlifts (normal grip hip width apart, normal stance, no bend in knee, focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes to bring bar up). 3×10 heavy. (photo)
  • Hip thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Weighted Jumping Lunges – 4×10 each side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

Complete your HIIT session or Body Circuit.

DAY 6 – OFF (REST DAY) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.

DAY 7 – OFF (REST DAY OR HITT or BODY CIRCUITS – OPTIONAL) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


You are now in the final stretch of this challenge. This is the time to bunker down, dial in all your meals & workouts and push for the finish line. This week I want you to make sure that you finish all of your cardio with no breaks or with as little as possible. If you are doing Body Circuits (and everyone should be doing some by now), take a little bit less rest time in between rounds. As for weights, increase them so that by your last set you are having a hard time finishing the movements around the last few reps. This is the week to push yourself a little.

REST: Please split this week up with a rest day, there is no half ass workouts this week, if you are not feeling it, use that as your rest day to reset and get after it the next day. No cheating this week except for the prescribed cheat meal.

WORKOUTS: I really want you to challenge yourself this week. You should have done at least one body circuit last week, this week I want more out of you! Yes they are challenging, but that's the point. The more the better and don't pick the easy ones! You should also be doing 5 workouts/movements per day now - refer to the chart on the Intro tab if needed.

MEALS: If you are struggling to see results, maintain the lower carbs that I prescribed last week (See Below). You can also cut your fats in half for 1 of your meals during the day, for up to 3 days this week (Example: You have 1oz of nuts for meal 3, you can have 1/2oz of nuts for meal 3 this week but only for 3 days, then back to 1oz). This is a recommendation not a requirement. Just like last week feel free to drop your Carbs by 1 or 2 oz during meal 2 and/or 3 for the duration of this week. This is NOT drop even further than last week, but if you did drop it maintain that and if you haven't tried it feel free to do so. This is only recommended for those that are struggling to see results. However you are free to start to experiment with minor changes to your meal plan such as dropping your carbs here and there to generate the best of results. Remember, this is not a free for all and you should stick to the program with only this minor adjustment. If you have any questions review the Facebook support group or post up in there and I will address them.

Week 5 - HIIT will be 50 minutes each day. You should be doing at least 2 Body Circuit this week depending on your intensity level.

Reminder you do not need to start with Leg Day as your first day, you can mix the days around to fit your schedule so long as you complete all the days in 1 week. Try and split up Leg Days to have at least 2 days in between of other body parts or rest or both.

BEGINNERS: Complete 2 Body Circuit, 4 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day.

INTERMEDIATE: Complete 2 Body Circuit, 4 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day.

ADVANCED: Complete 3 Body Circuits  & 3 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day.


Only drink the prescribed post workout shake AFTER weight training but within 30 minutes and ONLY ON weight training days please :) Do not do same muscle group two days in a row.

The following are SUGGESTED weight training workouts. For best results or increased challenge, you may do 5-6 of the workouts suggested but I would save that for later weeks. I broke the challenge up into 5 days of weight training with HIIT or Body Circuits for cardio & strength. If you must skip a day, I prefer you do the HIIT cardio or Body Circuit instead of the weight training. So if you are short on time, DO NOT skip the HIIT Cardio / Body Circuit. That is the most important way to continue fat loss and help increase the metabolism.

DAY 1 LEG DAY (Select 3-5 of the following) & HIIT or Body Circuit

Warm UP: Row for 400m, or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes and stretch out legs.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Squats at the Rack (may use smith machine if necessary although not recommended) 4×20 lighter weight and then 4×6-8 heavy (photo)
  • Deadlifts (may do traditional, Straight-legged – targets hams, or Sumo – targets hams/glutes) 3×12 heavy (keep your back flat, have someone watch you to ensure you do not round out your lower back). (SL photo) | SD photo)
  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Lying ham curls – 3×15 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Leg Press – Feet together at top of sled, DO NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES OUT!, always maintain a slight bend of the knee (2×20 light, 4×6-8 heavy) (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Narrow Stance) 4×15 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Wide Stance) 4×15 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE: Select a total of 4 from your list & above:

  • Weighted Walking lunges – 4×12 each leg (total of 24 reps each set) (photo)
  • Lunge with a pulse – Weighted or Body Weight – 3×10 per leg (photo)
  • Weighted Step-Ups – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Back Squat - Narrow Stance (smith or free standing) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Jump Squats – 4×10 (photo)
  • Straight Leg Deadlift – 3×10 (photo)

ADVANCED: Select a total of 5 from your list & above:

  • Jumping squats (may start with no weight if necessary, these can be difficult) 6×10 or 3×30 depending on your endurance level – I use either dumbbell bt legs or straight ez bar across my shoulders. Drive through your heels/keep weight in heels, and chest up. (photo)
  • Weighted or Body Weight Curtsy Lunges – 4×12 (BW photo | WT photo)
  • Hip Thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Back Squat with 1 Second Pause/Pulse at bottom – 3×10
  • Smith Machine Split Squat – 3×10 Per Side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

HIIT session or Body Circuit – (remember this goes up by 5 minutes each week).

DAY 2 Back & Abs (Select 3-5 Back & 3-5 Abs)

Back Workouts
BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Seated Row – 3×15 (Wide bar attachment) (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown 3×15 (Wide or narrow) (photo)
  • Bentover barbell rows – protect lower back – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bentover dumbbell rows – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Bentover Row at Smith Machine – 3×10 (photo smith | photo free)
  • Machine assisted pull-ups – 4×10

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Cable Row to navel in squat position – 3×15 (Narrow Grip) (photo)
  • Weighted Back Extensions with Twist at top 3×15 (plate or dumbbell in hand) (photo)
  • Pull-ups (assisted or unassisted, try to decreased weight resistance each time) 4×8 (photo)
  • T-Bar Rows between legs – 4×15 (photo)
  • Pullover with dumbbell – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Row close grip to chest – 3×15 (photo)
  • Bentover Alternating Dumbbell Row – 3×10 (photo)
  • Cross Cable Lat Pulldown – 3×10 (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown - Wide grip behind back – 3×10 (slow and controlled) (photo)
  • Row Machine – 3 sets of 400m row (as fast as possible – try to get around 2 minutes – rest for 90 seconds between sets – you will be in pain!) (photo)

Ab workouts

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Planks – 4 rounds of 1 min planks (or work up to 1 min at time planks) – rest no longer than 90 seconds between rounds. (photo)
  • Exercise ball sit ups  – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicycle Crunches – alternate knee to elbow – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Laying flutter kicks – 3 rounds of 1 minute (photo)
  • V-Ups – 3×10 (Go as high as you can) - May add weight (photo)
  • Crab Toe Touch – 3×10 each side (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12 (put dumbbell bt legs for increased challenge and ab development) (photo)
  • Weighted V-ups (this requires a lot of core stabilization, may start with no weight, work up to weighted ball or dumbbells. 4×10 (photo)
  • Weighted Cable Crunches 3×15 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3)
  • Russian Medball Twist – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Wood Choppa – 4×12 (photo)
  • Plank ball pull-ins – 4×12 (photo)
  • Hanging Knee Raises + Twist or Weighted – 3×10 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4)
  • Decline Bench Situp + Weight – 3×10 (photo)
  • Ab Rollout with Barbell or Wheel – 3×10 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam Roll back.
Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

DAY 3 SHOULDERS (Select 3-5 workouts) & Calves (2)

Warm Up: Shoulder circles forward x20, Shoulder circles backward x20, Row 400m or Arm cycle/elliptical for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Lateral Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Forward Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • EZ bar shoulder raise – 3×12 (photo)
  • Shoulder press overhead – 4×10 (photo)
  • Rear Delt/Fly machine – 4×12 (photo)
  • Upright Dumbell Row – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Scarecrow – 3×12
  • Seated Calf Raises – 4×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves) – 4×20 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Thruster (DB or Straight Bar) – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Clean & Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Around The World – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Press - Alternating Singles – 3×12 per side (photo)
  • Arnold Dumbell Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Seated Calf Raises (1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves; 1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam roll back, calves & Sampson Stretch (photo).

Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

Day 4: Arms (Select 3-5)

Warm Up: Row 400m, or Arm Cycle/Elliptical for 5 minutes.

  • Bicep curls (individual at rack) – 4×15 each arm (photo)
  • Bicep curls with EZ bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicep hammer curl - alternating – 4×15
  • EZ bar “Skull Crushers” (have someone spot you your first couple of attempts) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable bicep curls with straight bar 4×15 (photo)
  • Assisted or non-assisted dips 3×12 (photo)
  • Single bicep cable curls – 4×15 per side (Cable photo | DB photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – V-Rope – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – Straight Bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep bendover extension – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bench press – 4×10

Complete a HIIT session or a Body Circuit.

DAY 5 Legs Again & CHEAT MEAL DAY! (1 meal of your choice if you choose to cheat up to 1200 calories)

Warm Up: Samson stretch each leg, pigeon stretch each leg, do 10 body weight jump squats, and row 400 m or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (photo)
  • Hack Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Plie Squat – 4×15 (photo 1 | photo 2)
  • Back Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Squat Hold – 4 sets of up to 1 minute each (photo)
  • Walking Lunges – 4×12 each leg or 24 total steps per set (photo)
  • Lunge Pulses + Weight – 3×12 per leg (photo)
  • Jumping Squat – 4×12 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Split squats – one leg up on a bench behind you, may use smith machine if unable to balance using dumbells or ez bar (also called Bulgarian split squats) – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Sumo Deadlifts (Close grip, Wide stance, bend knee, flat back, keep bar very close to body) 3×12 heavy (PS photo | SD photo)
  • Sumo squat walking pulses (weighted or not) – 4×10 steps per side (photo)
  • Weighted step-ups – 4×12 steps per side
  • Leg Press - Singles (straight or side leg) – 3×12 steps per side (drive through heel) (photo)
  • Straight legged deadlifts (normal grip hip width apart, normal stance, no bend in knee, focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes to bring bar up). 3×10 heavy. (photo)
  • Hip thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Weighted Jumping Lunges – 4×10 each side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

Complete your HIIT session or Body Circuit.

DAY 6 – OFF (REST DAY) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.

DAY 7 – OFF (REST DAY OR HITT or BODY CIRCUITS – OPTIONAL) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


It may seem like the end is here but hopefully you see this just chapter 1 of your new lifestyle! This is the last week of this 6 week challenge, I am sure you have learned a lot about yourself, meal prep, workouts, what your body can and cant do, how to manage your time & overcome life's many obstacles. I designed this challenge in a way that would set you up for sustainability. No, you don't need to do almost an hour of cardio after this challenge ends but you now know that you CAN if you wanted to. You will figure out a way to adjust and adapt your workouts after the fact or maybe continue onto my next challenge as many others do. But right now, lets finish off the last week strong.

REST: Again please split this week up with a rest day, there is no half ass workouts this week, if you are not feeling it, use that as your rest day to reset and get after it the next day. No cheating this week except for the prescribed cheat meal.

WORKOUTS: Again I really want you to challenge yourself this week. You should have done at least 2 body circuits last week, this week I want more out of you! Yes they are challenging, but that's the point. The more the better and don't pick the easy ones! You should also be doing 5 workouts/movements per day now - refer to the chart on the Intro tab if needed.

MEALS: Please repeat what you did during week 5, I do not want major changes this week unless I personally prescribed them to you via KiK.

Week 6 - HIIT will be 55 minutes each day. You should be doing at least 2 Body Circuit this week depending on your intensity level.

Reminder you do not need to start with Leg Day as your first day, you can mix the days around to fit your schedule so long as you complete all the days in 1 week. Try and split up Leg Days to have at least 2 days in between of other body parts or rest or both.

BEGINNERS: Complete 2 Body Circuit, 4 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day.

INTERMEDIATE: Complete 3 Body Circuit, 3 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day.

ADVANCED: Complete 4 Body Circuits  & 2 HIIT Cardio sessions this week and 5 workouts per day.


Only drink the prescribed post workout shake AFTER weight training but within 30 minutes and ONLY ON weight training days please :) Do not do same muscle group two days in a row.

The following are SUGGESTED weight training workouts. For best results or increased challenge, you may do 5-6 of the workouts suggested but I would save that for later weeks. I broke the challenge up into 5 days of weight training with HIIT or Body Circuits for cardio & strength. If you must skip a day, I prefer you do the HIIT cardio or Body Circuit instead of the weight training. So if you are short on time, DO NOT skip the HIIT Cardio / Body Circuit. That is the most important way to continue fat loss and help increase the metabolism.

DAY 1 LEG DAY (Select 3-5 of the following) & HIIT or Body Circuit

Warm UP: Row for 400m, or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes and stretch out legs.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Squats at the Rack (may use smith machine if necessary although not recommended) 4×20 lighter weight and then 4×6-8 heavy (photo)
  • Deadlifts (may do traditional, Straight-legged – targets hams, or Sumo – targets hams/glutes) 3×12 heavy (keep your back flat, have someone watch you to ensure you do not round out your lower back). (SL photo) | SD photo)
  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Lying ham curls – 3×15 (make sure last three reps burn and hold it for count 5 seconds on last rep) (photo)
  • Leg Press – Feet together at top of sled, DO NOT LOCK YOUR KNEES OUT!, always maintain a slight bend of the knee (2×20 light, 4×6-8 heavy) (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Narrow Stance) 4×15 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Squats (Wide Stance) 4×15 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE: Select a total of 4 from your list & above:

  • Weighted Walking lunges – 4×12 each leg (total of 24 reps each set) (photo)
  • Lunge with a pulse – Weighted or Body Weight – 3×10 per leg (photo)
  • Weighted Step-Ups – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Back Squat - Narrow Stance (smith or free standing) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Smith Machine Jump Squats – 4×10 (photo)
  • Straight Leg Deadlift – 3×10 (photo)

ADVANCED: Select a total of 5 from your list & above:

  • Jumping squats (may start with no weight if necessary, these can be difficult) 6×10 or 3×30 depending on your endurance level – I use either dumbbell bt legs or straight ez bar across my shoulders. Drive through your heels/keep weight in heels, and chest up. (photo)
  • Weighted or Body Weight Curtsy Lunges – 4×12 (BW photo | WT photo)
  • Hip Thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Back Squat with 1 Second Pause/Pulse at bottom – 3×10
  • Smith Machine Split Squat – 3×10 Per Side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

HIIT session or Body Circuit – (remember this goes up by 5 minutes each week).

DAY 2 Back & Abs (Select 3-5 Back & 3-5 Abs)

Back Workouts
BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Seated Row – 3×15 (Wide bar attachment) (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown 3×15 (Wide or narrow) (photo)
  • Bentover barbell rows – protect lower back – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bentover dumbbell rows – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Bentover Row at Smith Machine – 3×10 (photo smith | photo free)
  • Machine assisted pull-ups – 4×10

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Cable Row to navel in squat position – 3×15 (Narrow Grip) (photo)
  • Weighted Back Extensions with Twist at top 3×15 (plate or dumbbell in hand) (photo)
  • Pull-ups (assisted or unassisted, try to decreased weight resistance each time) 4×8 (photo)
  • T-Bar Rows between legs – 4×15 (photo)
  • Pullover with dumbbell – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Row close grip to chest – 3×15 (photo)
  • Bentover Alternating Dumbbell Row – 3×10 (photo)
  • Cross Cable Lat Pulldown – 3×10 (photo)
  • Lat Pulldown - Wide grip behind back – 3×10 (slow and controlled) (photo)
  • Row Machine – 3 sets of 400m row (as fast as possible – try to get around 2 minutes – rest for 90 seconds between sets – you will be in pain!) (photo)

Ab workouts

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Planks – 4 rounds of 1 min planks (or work up to 1 min at time planks) – rest no longer than 90 seconds between rounds. (photo)
  • Exercise ball sit ups  – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicycle Crunches – alternate knee to elbow – 4×10 per side (photo)
  • Laying flutter kicks – 3 rounds of 1 minute (photo)
  • V-Ups – 3×10 (Go as high as you can) - May add weight (photo)
  • Crab Toe Touch – 3×10 each side (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets of 12 (put dumbbell bt legs for increased challenge and ab development) (photo)
  • Weighted V-ups (this requires a lot of core stabilization, may start with no weight, work up to weighted ball or dumbbells. 4×10 (photo)
  • Weighted Cable Crunches 3×15 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3)
  • Russian Medball Twist – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable Wood Choppa – 4×12 (photo)
  • Plank ball pull-ins – 4×12 (photo)
  • Hanging Knee Raises + Twist or Weighted – 3×10 (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4)
  • Decline Bench Situp + Weight – 3×10 (photo)
  • Ab Rollout with Barbell or Wheel – 3×10 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam Roll back.
Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

DAY 3 SHOULDERS (Select 3-5 workouts) & Calves (2)

Warm Up: Shoulder circles forward x20, Shoulder circles backward x20, Row 400m or Arm cycle/elliptical for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Lateral Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Forward Shoulder Raises with DB (pause at top) – 4×12 (photo)
  • EZ bar shoulder raise – 3×12 (photo)
  • Shoulder press overhead – 4×10 (photo)
  • Rear Delt/Fly machine – 4×12 (photo)
  • Upright Dumbell Row – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Scarecrow – 3×12
  • Seated Calf Raises – 4×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves) – 4×20 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Thruster (DB or Straight Bar) – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Clean & Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Around The World – 3×12 (photo)
  • Dumbell Press - Alternating Singles – 3×12 per side (photo)
  • Arnold Dumbell Press – 3×12 (photo)
  • Seated Calf Raises (1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)
  • Standing Calf Raises (smith machine or standing leg press for calves; 1st set toes straight, 2nd toes out, 3rd toes in) – 3×20 (photo)

Cool Down: Foam roll back, calves & Sampson Stretch (photo).

Complete a Body Circuits or HIIT Session.

Day 4: Arms (Select 3-5)

Warm Up: Row 400m, or Arm Cycle/Elliptical for 5 minutes.

  • Bicep curls (individual at rack) – 4×15 each arm (photo)
  • Bicep curls with EZ bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bicep hammer curl - alternating – 4×15
  • EZ bar “Skull Crushers” (have someone spot you your first couple of attempts) – 4×12 (photo)
  • Cable bicep curls with straight bar 4×15 (photo)
  • Assisted or non-assisted dips 3×12 (photo)
  • Single bicep cable curls – 4×15 per side (Cable photo | DB photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – V-Rope – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep cable pushdown – Straight Bar – 4×15 (photo)
  • Tricep bendover extension – 4×15 (photo)
  • Bench press – 4×10

Complete a HIIT session or a Body Circuit.

DAY 5 Legs Again & CHEAT MEAL DAY! (1 meal of your choice if you choose to cheat up to 1200 calories)

Warm Up: Samson stretch each leg, pigeon stretch each leg, do 10 body weight jump squats, and row 400 m or speed walk on treadmill for 5 minutes.

BEGINNERS: Select any 3 workouts from your list:

  • Leg extensions – 4×25 (photo)
  • Hack Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Plie Squat – 4×15 (photo 1 | photo 2)
  • Back Squat – 3×12 (photo)
  • Squat Hold – 4 sets of up to 1 minute each (photo)
  • Walking Lunges – 4×12 each leg or 24 total steps per set (photo)
  • Lunge Pulses + Weight – 3×12 per leg (photo)
  • Jumping Squat – 4×12 (photo)

INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED: Select a total of 4-5 from your list & above:

  • Split squats – one leg up on a bench behind you, may use smith machine if unable to balance using dumbells or ez bar (also called Bulgarian split squats) – 4×12 each leg (photo)
  • Sumo Deadlifts (Close grip, Wide stance, bend knee, flat back, keep bar very close to body) 3×12 heavy (PS photo | SD photo)
  • Sumo squat walking pulses (weighted or not) – 4×10 steps per side (photo)
  • Weighted step-ups – 4×12 steps per side
  • Leg Press - Singles (straight or side leg) – 3×12 steps per side (drive through heel) (photo)
  • Straight legged deadlifts (normal grip hip width apart, normal stance, no bend in knee, focus on squeezing hamstrings and glutes to bring bar up). 3×10 heavy. (photo)
  • Hip thrusters – 4×15 (photo)
  • Weighted Jumping Lunges – 4×10 each side (photo)

Cool Down: Stretch hams/quads/glutes for 10 minutes (photo 1 | photo 2 | photo 3 | photo 4 | photo 5 | photo 6 | photo 7 | photo 8)

Complete your HIIT session or Body Circuit.

DAY 6 – OFF (REST DAY) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.

DAY 7 – OFF (REST DAY OR HITT or BODY CIRCUITS – OPTIONAL) You may take an “active rest” day – so you can go for a walk, a hike, do yoga, or any other light alternative activity this day.


These are designed to be a supplement to your Cardio HIIT workouts. If you are getting bored of Cardio and/or want to try something new to break up your sessions Playos are for you. How: If you are doing say 30 minutes of Cardio HIIT, feel free to do say 10 minutes, jump off and do one of the following circuits and jump back onto the cardio machine for the remained of your time. Note, the time it took you to do a circuit is subtracted from your total Cardio HIIT time. You are free to do as many circuits as you'd like to break up your cardio or to replace it. These are difficult so more than one round will be tough for most. However, these are a good way to challenge yourself & to break up long cardio sessions with something different & fun. If you are unable to do one or more of the prescribed movements feel free to replace it with anything else on the list from any other circuit. Feel free to modify movements if needed; if you are unable to do a standard push-up do it on your knees for example. If you can not do a push up at all replace it with something like a plank hold or a burpee. There is no more than 30 seconds rest between movements. If you can not complete a movement move onto the next one. Do not over think this, these are ideas to help you break up the long cardio sessions.

OPTION 1: The Duck
Sumo Squat Hops - 1 Min
Jumping Lunges - 1 Min
Push-Ups - 1 Min
Jump Squats with 90 degree turn - 1 Min
V-Ups - 1 Min

OPTION 2: The Chipper
Alternating Butt Kicks - 1 Min
Narrow/Close Hand Push-ups on Knees - 1 Min
Walking Lunges - 1 Min
Sit-Ups - 1 Min
Leap Frogs - 1 Min

OPTION 3: The Jumper
Jumping Jacks - 1 Min
Side Lunges - 1 Min
Push-Ups - 1 Min
Skipping High Knees - 1 Min
Plank Hold - 1 Min

OPTION 4: The Skater
Curtsy Lunges - 1 Min
Mountain Climbers - 1 Min
Butt Kicks - 1 Min
Jump Rope - 1 Min
Speed Skaters - 1 Min

OPTION 5: The Holder
Sumo Squat Jumps - 1 Min
Wall Sit - 1 Min
Knee Tuck Jumps - 1 Min
Long Jump - 1 Min
Plank Hold - 1 Min

HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training

As opposed to “just jogging or running” on the treadmill, this HIIT training involves sprinting high for 30 seconds to 1 minutes, then jogging or walking for 30-90 seconds and alternating. This stimulates the heart rate to go higher, and you should sweat by the end of your workout. HIIT has proven to burn more calories in a shorter period of time than standard low intensity cardio as well as burns calories for up to 24 hours after performed if done right. It increases the metabolism by increasing oxygen expenditure while heart rate is elevated for repeated intervals. Heart rate should be up to at least 150’s-170’s during the exercise J YOU MAY DO A BODY CIRCUIT SESSION IN PLACE OF HIIT OR A HIIT SESSION IN PLACE OF BODY CIRCUITS.

Other examples of HIIT: any class that is high intensity, you get heart rate up above 160s (you may buy a FitBit to help see your heart rate), and you sweat: spin, boot camp style classes, Crossfit style WODS, Insanity at home, etc. You may substitute these for a HIIT session. If you have other questions about what workouts can be substituted in place of HIIT.


Stationary Bike –

2 min warm up light spin

30 sec sprint at level 18-20. Then decrease level back down to 6 as an “active rest” for 90 seconds. REPEAT this cycle until you reach your required number of HIIT minutes that session. (Remember it goes up by 5 minutes each week).


Treadmill OR RUN OUTSIDE –

Jog/Sprint Toggle on treadmill – so select speed workout (jog speed can be around 2.0-4.0mph)

(Sprint speed should be between 7.0-8.5mph) Check to see if your heart rate gets into the 160’s or higher zone and you are getting the proper effects of the intensity training.  May warm up for 2 min at jog speed, then SPRINT for 1 min.  Jog for 1 min, sprint for 1 min and continue this cycle until you reach your required number of HIIT that session (remember it goes up by 5 minutes each week).

If you are outside, use a stopwatch to alternate between sprinting “all out” for 30 seconds, and jogging for 30-60 seconds until the full time length is reached.


5 min warm up on stairmaster Level 5-8

Then starting at the 5 minute mark, increase level to 15-17 for 30 seconds on, 90 second back down to level 5-8 alternating levels up and down.

Repeat this trend until you hit the minutes of HIIT required (remember it goes up by 5 minutes each week).


5 min warm up on elliptical Level 6-9

Then starting at the 5 minute mark, increase level to 12-16 for 30 seconds on, 90 seconds back down to level 6-9 alternating levels up and down until you reach your required HIIT that week (remember it goes up by 5 minutes each week: week 1 – 30 min hiit, week 2 – 35 min HIIT, week 3 – 40 min HIIT, week 4 – 45 min HIIT week 5 – 50 min HIIT, week 6 – 55 min HIIT) Cool down for 5 minutes.

HIIT – for the most effective metabolism booster and best fat loss, I recommend doing HIIT first thing in the morning before you eat breakfast; this is called fasted cardio (it burns fat from glycogen stores first instead of trying to burn the food you ate). If you must eat first, that is fine too. If you are unable to do HIIT in morning, it can be done any time of the day. Everyone responds a little different but I am giving you tips to help. You can also break up the cardio into one gym session and weight training into another or both may be done one after another. It is okay whatever works best for your own personal schedule and wellbeing. Start at 30 min 5 days a week for the first week and increased by 5 min each week. (2nd week will be 35 min 5xweek, 3rd week will be 50 min 5xwk etc etc). Cardio is monotonous for most people so if you must break it up into shorter sessions that equal the total time prescribed that is fine. The longer you are able to sustain at a time the better, but everyone has different endurance so work on it each week.


Do 4 rounds of 1 of the following workouts as many times as prescribed for that week. (you may do it before or after your weight training OR you may do this on a “Off Weights” day, you can also do different ones each week). (Remember you can count this a HIIT session so if you choose do Weights, you can do a body circuit IN PLACE OF a CARDIO HIIT workout.

Push-ups x 1 min
V-ups x 25 (photo)
Forward Lunges x 12 each side (photo)
Side Lunges x 12 each side (photo)
Back Lunges x 12 each side (photo)

DB Thrusters x 1 min (photo)
Inchworm pushups x 1 min (photo)
Alternating High Knees 12 each side
Butt kicks x 1 min
Box jumps x20 (photo)

Squat jumps x12 (photo)
Flutter kicks abs x 1 min
Speed Skaters x 1 min (photo)
Medicine ball overhead squat x 15 (photo)
Burpee x 1 min (photo)

Tuck Jump x 1 min
Mountain Climbers x 1 min (photo)
DB Clean and Press (alternate each arm) x 15 (photo)
DB jump ups x 15 (photo)
Russian dumbbell twist x 1 min (photo)
DB Snatch x 10 each arm (photo)

Walking Lunges x 24 (12 each leg) (photo)
DB Thrusters x 1 min (photo)
Weighted V-ups x 15 (photo)
Burpees x 1 min (photo)
Pull-ups OR pushups x 1 min
Jumping Jacks x 1 min

Kettle Bell Squats x 20 (photo)
Box Jumps or Step Ups (per leg) x 10 (photo)
Sit Ups x 20 (photo)
Jumping Jacks x 20
Weighted V-Ups x 20 (photo)

Stability Ball Crunch x 20
Leg Lift x 20 (10 per side) (photo)
Squat Holds x 1 Min (photo)
Plank x 1 min
Squat Jumps x 1 min (photo)

Kettlebell swings – 15
Kettlebell squats – 15
Alternating lunges (body weight or with DB) – 12 each leg
Sit-ups – as many as possible in 1 minute
Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope x 1 minute

Pull-ups – until failure
Box Jumps – 15 reps
Burpees – 15 reps
DB thrusters – 15 reps
Air squats or DB squats – 15 reps



Jump Rope
Exercise Ball
Weighted ball (8, 12, 15 0r 20lbs)
26 lb Kettlebell (KB)/25 lb Dumbbell (DB) (total body) 
10/15/25lb DB (upper body workouts)
5 or 10lb Ankle weights
Green resistance band
10/15/25 lb plate
Monkey bars/pull-up bar
Box/Stable bench/Step-up
Foam roller
Yoga Matt
Ab Matt

Since everyone has differing “at home” equipment, I designed several different workouts so that you can choose which ones you are able to do.

DAY 1 & DAY 4 LEGS: (SELECT 5 of the Following
workouts to do)


1)   Kettlebell/DB Squats - Using the weight of your choice, in normal squat stance, hold weight at chest level, and squat at or below parallel if you are able and then squeeze glutes at the top of the squat. Go slow, controlled. 4x25

2)   DB/Kettlebell Thrusters – Using the weight of your choice, with DB in each hand in a shoulder press position, squat down and then back up, pressing weights overhead at the top of standing postion 4x25

3)   Squat Holds – Using body weight, DB over each shoulder at the bottom of a shoulder press position, or barbell on back, go into a full parallel squat and attempt to hold for 1 minute each – repeat 4-5 times with 1-2 minute rest in between.

4)   Single-legged dumbbell straight-legged deadlifts – An advanced single-legged movement for advanced lifters targeting hamstrings & glutes 

5)   Sumo Squats/Plie squats – Using the weight of your choice, in squat stance, (plate or kettlebell held at chest level or dumbbells can go across each shoulder as you hold them to stabilize) 4x25, slow, controlled, squeeze glutes. 4x25

6)   Step-ups – using DB in each hand, or KB in both hands, step up on box or stable bench. Do 12-15 reps each leg for 3-4 sets


7)   Wall Balls - outside (in a basement that is 16 feet or higher, or outside against a wall or in garage) Squat with exercise ball and through up 15 feet and catch and lower into squat. Repeat. 4x20

8)   Med ball squats – holding weighted medicine ball in hand, squat down and back up. 4x15-20 reps.


9)   Leg Lifts with ankle weights, start in plank position, and keeping foot flexed, kick the heel up above the flat back and pulse it up, the more slow and controlled the better, hold the last rep for 5 seconds or until it burns.

10)   Standing side leg lifts - Standing upright, hold onto wall with Left hand to stabilize, ankle weight on right leg, abduct leg away from body raising it sideways for 15-20 reps, then alternate to other leg. 4 sets.


11) Side steps with resistance band – With green resistance band on above knees, in
standard squat stance, back flat, step to right side x5, then left side x5 for 5 rounds.


12)   Back squats 4x25 wide stance

13)   Back squats 4x20 narrow stance (may use bench under butt to touch and go.

14)   Alternating forward stationary lunges or walking lunges 4x12 each side (may do
stationary or walking)If you have dumbells, hold DB on shoulders: back squats, 4x25 plié squats, 4x25

15)     Hip thrusters with weight on lap, (GLUTE WORKOUT - FEMALES ONLY) (laying on your back on yoga matt or on the ground with your upper back against a bench) place the weight (DB, Plate or Barbell) of your choice across your lap evenly. Raise your core upwards with glutes/hams. Do not raise the weight with your low back/arms. Try to focus on just squeezing the glutes upward. Keep the movement slow, controlled and squeeze long at the top. On the last several reps, pulse it up for 3-5 times and pause until failure. 4x15.

PLATES: (10/15/25lb plate)

16)   Driver Squats – Hold the plate out like steering wheel, and feet together, squat up an down, pulse at bottom x3 and come back up for 1 rep. 4x15

17)     Side leg lifts with Plate (standing with your left side next to a supportive wall, use the plate or DB in the right hand at your hip side and raise your right leg as high as you can, slow and controlled. You should feel the weight in the leg and side glute). Do 4 sets of 12 each side.

18)    Forward/Side/Back lunges – 4x12 each leg. Holding one plate directly overhead with both arms extended, may do forward, back or side lunges keeping core tight and weight overhead.

BOX/Step-up/stable bench

19)    Box jumps – 4x15 – standing close to box, jump up onto box, swing arms to generate momentum, try to land on both feet simultaneously soft knees, may squat down and then
stand up, then jump back down.

20)    Step-ups – alternating legs, step up and back down 4x15 each leg, 3-4 sets. May add kettlebell in both hands, barbell across shoulders or DB in each hand to add weight.

DAY 2 – SHOULDERS (do 4-5 of these workouts)


1) “Around the World” – Starting with Palms up and DBs together chest level, move DB in a half circle to meet the other DB overhead (while turning palms down) 3x15

2) “Arnold Press” – Using DB at shoulder level to start a shoulder press overhead, turn wrists simultaneously while pressing overhead. (Palms start facing away at shoulders and palms face away at top of press.) 3x15

3) Lateral shoulder Raises – Start with DB on either side of body, and in squat stance, normal stance, or seated, Raise DB to shoulder height or slightly above. 3x15

4) 45 Degree Shoulder Raises – Do same as above except raise 45 degrees out (so between side and front position. KIK me or See Video for example on form. 3x15

5) Front Shoulder Raises – Same as both lifts above except raise DB directly in front. Pause at the top and hold last rep until it burns. 3x15

6) Standing shoulder press – using DB or barbell, press weight overhead, extend
arms and lower weight back to shoulders. 4x12-15




ABS (Select 3 of following workouts)


1) Weighted V-Ups (Using abmat, and weighted exercise ball, start laying on back, arms overhead and legs straight, feet together. Raise ball above head, keep back flat on ground while simultaneously lift legs to meet ball in middle overhead and lower both feet and arms back down controlled. Bringing the legs and arms together created the “V shape.” 4x15

2) Oblique with weight – Sitting on your butt, keeping back about 45 degrees off the ground, (flat back, tighten core), move the weight (ball, DB or plate) from the left side touching the ground and then alternate touching the right side of the ground. 4x20 (10 each side)

3) Planks – Start in a plank position (back flat, parallel to ground, keep core tight, do not raise butt above your back) – Set timer and try and remain in the plank position for as long as possible. Stop the clock when you break plank form. Get back up and finish the minutes. Repeat for 4 rounds (4 total minutes)

4) Flutter Kicks – Start laying on back with ab mat or yoga mat with your arms under the small of your back. Keep legs straight and toes pointed. “Flutter legs” alternating them up and down. Use the timer for this as well. Do 4 rounds of 1 minute each.


5) Hanging Leg Raises While hanging from the bar, Raise legs either with knees bent or straight (for increased challenge). For advanced form and challenge, you may add DB between feet while pulling up with bent knees. 4x12 (May use green exercise band wrapped around bar and step into it for assisted pull ups as done in crossfit).


6) Back extensions on ball with weight (Start laying on your stomach on the exercise ball. You can lower upper body as low as you can while keeping core centered on ball. May add weight holding at chest as you raise your upper body in line with core (should feel the back muscles contract). 4x12

 BACK – select 4-5 workouts for back


1) Back Row with DB 4x15

2) Pull-Overs (Start laying on flat bench or exercise ball and extend arms overhead. Keeping core tight, Raise weight from above head, yet below the bench. Keep arms straight and bring weight to above the stomach and then lower it back to starting position. Keep back flat and head neutral. 4x15

3) Bent-over DB rows – kneeling on bench with opposite knee to arm being rowed. 3-4 sets of 12-15


4) Bent-over barbell rows

5) T-bar rows – placing one end of the barbell in a tight, secure, cement corner or garage/basement/outside corner, stand over bar with barbell between legs. Carefully raise bar keeping back flat and core tight. Do not yank bar and be mindful bar can hit genitals if you aren’t rowing slow and controlled. 3-4 sets of 12

6) DB straight leg deadlifts (keeping back flat, legs straight, keep arms extended to raise bar, but use hamstrings, legs, glutes to raise and lower the bar. Try to squeeze glutes at the top, do not round out back, chest up. Slow and controlled.)



of the following workouts in quick succession. Rest for 3 min in between
rounds. You may do this instead of a HIIT session any day.


Jumprope for 1 min

Thrusters (start standing, holding weigh of your choice, squat down and then press the weight overhead) x 20

Speed Skaters 25 each side

Alternating High Knees 20 (10 each side)

Alternating stationary lunges (use DB in each hand) – 30 (15 each side)


OPTION 2 - Do 4 ROUNDS of:

 Jump Squats - Starting in a squat position, holding the weight of your choice, explode upward and repeat. 12 reps.

Speed skaters – This is where you kind of glide and touch down, side to side, no weight needed. KIK me or see Video for details. 20 reps (10 each side)

Pushups – self-explanatory. 12-15

Prisoner lunges (no weight needed). Step out into a forward lunge and alternate feet with hands behind your head like a “prisoner.” 24 reps (12 each side)

Ab crunches (Do as many as you can in 1 minute).


Designed to help you

I've now been able to help thousands of men and women over the years from all walks of life, with many different types of struggles or personal situations. Many of them have submitted testimonials after the fact that I believe can help motivate my current challenge participants. Each week I will be sharing some of their stories with you - in the hopes that you find at least one or two people you can relate to and also find comfort, motivation or understanding in how the challenge has changed their lives. Its one thing for me to talk about the benefits its another to hear it from actual clients.


Kodi B
Lost 8lbs

This past winter has been very hard mentally/emotionally for me. Which caused me to gain a lot of weight after just competing in a bikini competition in Oct 2016. I saw Lauren's spring challenge on Instagram and knew I needed something to keep me motivated, accountable, and let's face it, if I invest my money into something I'm going to make things happen!

I was very impressed with how everything through the online program was organized! (When I did my bikini prep it was in no way comparable from what my coach did.) Through LDF you get LOADS of information and it is presented and organized perfectly. In no way would I change this!

I wasn't very active on the Facebook group, but I did very much enjoy it! Some days, I felt "blah" and I'd see how others were up and at it, which did give me that burst of energy and to make things happen. I'm sure it's not fun constantly reminding us about pounds/scale or to stop stressing/worrying about everything, but those reminders do help! Since I've been through the bikini prep, I have learned to trust the process and not stress, but from a beginner standpoint you second-guess everything and those reminders do help (A LOT)! I loved Lauren and David's weekly videos! I have very much enjoyed this challenge and I wouldn't change a thing!

As far as my personal progress in the challenge, I did pretty well throughout the week. I did struggle through the weekends so I'd have to say I didn't give 100%, and that is my fault entirely. I am happy with my results and it has helped me get out of my winter blues! :)

One of Lauren's weekly check-in videos talked about was how to eat when you're out with friends, how to order, what to get when you're on the road and need a snack.. I'm glad she talked about all that! I always felt like I had to separate myself from having social time until that topic.

You guys are an awesome duo! I love David's constant support that he seems to give you! You guys are a fun couple and love that y'all team up on these challenges!

Heather J

So I am the type of girl that always weighs heavy unless I lose a lot of muscle, and that's not what I wanted to do. Unless my scale is broken, I can be honest and tell you that I didn't lose a pound. Not one! I stayed at 150 the entire time, and I'm completely okay with that, because I lost a total of 12 inches!

I'm so satisfied and impressed with everything that you provided us with during this challenge that I signed up for your next one as well! The amount of information that you provided- from the different meal plans to the at-home versions of the workouts- shows how much hard work and effort you put into these challenges.

After a few years of unsuccessful attempts to get back in shape, I decided to give one of Lauren's challenges a try. Having seen several amazing before and after photos on her Instagram, I couldn't wait to put myself to the test.... and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made! I look and feel better than I ever thought possible. The program was easy to follow- she gave us a detailed day-to-day meal plan, daily workouts, chat support, videos, etc., it's no wonder that we all ended up with such drastic and incredible results. I'm a loyal client for life and I can't wait to start the next challenge!!

Lauren, you are the reason that I was able to get back on track. I barely recognized myself when I took my before pictures. Definitely the worst shape of my life, even right after I had my two boys I didn't look as bad.

Mallory C

This was my very first challenge ever, and I must say I learned a lot. Before this challenge, I was only lifting weights at home, I wasn't running and I certainly wasn't eating every few hours. The meals have helped me tremendously, I now know I need to eat smaller, and more frequent meals rather than 2-3 large meals. Although I didn't follow the meals you provided, I did follow your recommendations. I also never did any cardio before—running around the baseball field just once was really hard for me—now I am more consistent. I didn't measure myself, but I did weigh in from time to time and I've lost a total of 8 lbs. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I do notice a difference. Thank you again for the encouragement and getting me on the right track.

Karina O
Weight Lost: 7 Lbs
Inches Lost: 2 inches waist, 2 inches hips, 1 inch back

I started this challenge with hope to change my life and improve overall health.

I was diagnosed with PCOS - polycystic ovarian syndrome over 2 years ago when my husband and I decided to check why I couldn’t get pregnant. This condition makes losing weight challenging and due to age - 36 - it got really hard to lose even 1 pound. Struggling with my body image from childhood I always try to stay active, but I needed a little kickstart to finally see the results and speed up my metabolism. This challenge has taught me to forgive myself and enjoy food again vs. punishing myself when I have a hiccup.

I worked really hard. Third week in a challenge I got a faint positive pregnancy test, which was my first ever in my life. Even thought it turned out to be a very early miscarriage I got my hope back. I decided to postpone my upcoming IVF treatment and try to stick to the healthy diet and exercise. I took a week break from the challenge, but then I got back and pushed hard. Sticking to the program helped me with keeping my head occupied and kept me away from negative thinking. Despite what will happen I feel my body and mind are better prepared for upcoming treatments or pregnancy. This challenge has definitely taught me self-discipline, forgiveness, made my body and soul strong, and gave me hope for better life.

Deanne S
Lost 8 lbs total
Lost 4 inches around stomach, 3 inches on love handles, 3 inches on butt, 2 inches each thigh.

3 children, 2 C-sections, repeated abdominal muscle separation, and a million other excuses to not eat healthy or be fit. But do you know what? That's just what they are...EXCUSES!!!

What sets this challenge apart is the community of like-minded people in all different stages of life with a common goal! The FB group and Lauren's videos were so encouraging and helpful to me!!! Even if you don't have the support at will here!

I have been in and out of the gym for the last 10 years but I have seen more results in the last six weeks than in all those years. I needed a complete program like this that includes meals and the RIGHT way to work out!

I have literally NEVER been able to stick with a program for this length of time until now! And having finished...

I feel as if I now have this tool that I can use for the rest of my life!

Speaking of finishing.... I would have thought that the six weeks would have been the conclusion of a miserable time of self-restraint and frustration, but instead I find that I want to live this way for the rest of my life!!! It has even spilled over into healthier cooking for the rest of my family and a desire to live an active lifestyle with my children!

My strength and endurance have increased dramatically and I feel more ready than ever to tackle life's challenges and my future goals!

To everyone who is interested in trying this challenge I would say... don't think twice, do it now! Paying for it, and the idea of it being a competition helped me to take it seriously!

Throw away the scale, or at least don't look at it until the end of the challenge. My weight was down and up and all over the place but I consistently dropped sizes, lost body fat, and gained muscle!

Thanks a million times over Lauren and David for all the effort you put into the program and into helping each one of us progress!

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Camille A

When I look at my before pictures, I see someone sad, unmotivated and weak. I lost my dad 6 months ago and throughout that time I also lost myself. Everything became so uninteresting to me, and I didn't care to make myself feel better. It became comfortable to make myself feel worse. I completely neglected my physical and mental health - eating fast food every single day, becoming totally inactive and allowing my thoughts to become a cesspool of self-loathing and negativity. Everything was so dark, and I didn't bother looking for a light. I didn't think any existed anymore.

I started to realize this wasn't right, and that I was wasting time I could spend being happy. I couldn't change what happened, but I knew I could change how I lived from this point on. When I saw your program, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to start motivating myself again. I'm a very goal-oriented person, so I knew if I could really make myself commit to this, I would improve myself. I took my before pictures and wow, that was tough. But, I told myself if that was my starting point and that I could only get better. When I received your meal plan and workouts, I knew this was a good idea. I've done other programs before and they've left a lot to be desired - cookie cutter workouts and effortless meal plans. Your meal ideas were refreshing and delicious and the workouts were badass - there was nothing restrictive about them, which makes it a lot easier to commit to. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.

Now I've got to be honest, of course I am SO STOKED about my physical progress. I can feel my body working more smoothly like a well-oiled machine instead of an old, broken pile of junk. Fat has melted away and bloating has dissipated. And yes, it feels GREAT to look into a mirror and feel happy.

But what I'm most excited about, what I really NEEDED, is a healthy mind. This program helped me grab my thoughts of negativity and mold them into encouragement and self-love. This helped me sleep at night. This helped me wake up in the morning with a glow and a smile instead of heavy bags under my eyes and a headache. This helped me be fun to be around again, to feel happy. This helped me realize that I can make my life beautiful - and that there is ALWAYS a light.

Daniel C

This program has truly changed my life! I am a graduate student and these workouts are my escape from stress and keep me sane. The diet is easy to follow and I even have a healthy cheat meal on Fridays. I am weighing 216.4! Over 20lbs lighter from when I started!!

My next plan is to get into physique competitions. I plan on losing about 60 more pounds so look out for my name!!

Patrick T

I was able to lose 20 lbs over the course of six weeks and feel a lot healthier and stronger. I was medically discharged from the military after contracting an illness while recovering from two surgeries after I got back from Afghanistan. I went from running Olympic distance triathlons to not being able to get out of bed for months. I gained 75 lbs and fell into a deep depression. It took two years for me to learn to adjust to a life altering illness that has no cure at such a young age. Your program inspired me and although it was tough every single day I found the fight in me to get my health back. I know I'm just beginning and will continue this journey until I see that soldier in me again.

Megan B

I loved this program! It was exactly the motivation I needed to kickstart a workout and healthy eating routine. And, seeing results definitely fuelled that motivation. I lost a total of 7lbs and loved the workouts. I noticed a huge difference in my glutes and abs as well as shoulders as that was an area I avoided working out for fear of getting too bulky. I know now that that is not that case and plan to continue on this routine to see what I can achieve!

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Krista Z

I was always fit when I was younger. When I turned 30 I realized I was not that 25-year-old anymore. I wanted to get back into shape and well the guy I was seeing said I needed to look into your programs that were offered. Well I did and let me tell you, I have my confidence back, I can wear all my jeans and dresses again, and most of all seeing the scale I cried. These were happy tears of joy; I am literally 12 lbs away from my college weight. I am so happy I did this and couldn't have asked for better people to motivate each other! I have lost 15 lbs and I will be doing another program along with training in between while waiting for that one!

Mandy B

After this program I had lost 28.2lbs, 4.5 inches from my waist, 5 inches from my hips, 1 inch in my arms, 2 inches in my thighs, and 3.75 inches in my chest. The program was easy to understand and follow. I loved having the Facebook group where we could all share progress and encourage each other.  I am leaving this program with the knowledge and ability to continue to go for my health/fitness goals. I am very excited about my results and feel so much more confident about myself.  It is amazing how much your body can change and image of yourself can change in just 6 short weeks.

Megan E

I'm beyond pleased with the progress that I made during the program! I lost 9.4lbs, definitely gained muscle and have ab definition for the first time in my life! I feel stronger than ever! I truly pushed myself further physically than I ever have before and came out of this program with a greater appreciation for health. What I am most excited about and why I know this program was a huge success for me is that I am still going! This is a sustainable lifestyle and I look forward to maintaining and even improving my results. My weakness is portion control. I’ve learned so much about macronutrient counting and how to be creative with meals and not feel deprived at all! I am more motivated than ever to eat foods that fuel my body well for workouts. I was never once bored during this program, neither with the workouts or meal plan! There was so much variety and room to be creative within the boundaries! I especially enjoyed the Facebook group and really appreciated the interaction with you and the other participants. It was very motivating to share updates, ask questions and to give and be encouraged!

Nathan S


I did not expect to see such a dramatic change in my body in such a short time.

I have considered myself a fit person for my whole life, but after 3 kids, a super busy office job, and letting myself eat however I wanted to, my weight was getting out of control. I lost my cardio ability and my strength performance had plummeted. My brother showed me your Snapchat link and I found your fitness program on the website. I decided to try your program in an effort to change my lifestyle and the results blew me away! I have never done a fitness program before, and I have never tried to control my diet with such discipline. The results are freaking amazing! The diet plan was perfect, the workout progressions were amazingly crafted, and I kept meticulous track of my progress week by week. Overall, I lost 13.8 lbs, 9.3% body fat, and 2.5" off my waist. I got back my self-confidence, energy, motivation, and inspiration to live a healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, our family did this together, and we have made a commitment to change the way we eat and live completely. I have never felt more rested, healthy, energetic, and excited about life.

Melissa V

I lost 19 pounds during the program and over 13 inches, 5+ of which were from my waist. I am also sleeping better!  I am super happy with my results and am glad I followed your program.  I would DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone that is unsure about it.  If you follow the plan, you will see a change!

Katherine H

I had been struggling to lose weight for years. Despite having to deal with some health concerns that had become known to me over the years, I had also went through 3 miscarriages and 1 terminated pregnancy, due to discovering that the baby had a brain abnormality. With all the changing hormones and the stress, I kept constantly gaining weight year after year. After taking a year to mentally gather myself after my last pregnancy, I decided that it was time to make a change, and tried this program as a result. I had seen people really make some amazing transformations, and as a result wanted to be part of that.

I am so thankful that I decided to take part in this program. It put it in perspective for me the amount of work and dedication it takes to reach your fitness/physical goals, but it is worth it. I did not expect drastic results for myself, as I knew that it took many years to get to the size and weight that I am at now and didn't expect for results to happen overnight. I am pleased to say that when I had started the program, I was at 165 and when I weighed myself yesterday, I found myself at 158. This is a huge accomplishment for me as I have never seen the scale go down that significantly for me before and was such a huge encouragement that I had finally found something that my body is responding to, despite all the hormones. In terms of the pictures, I really notice it in my back, which I am super pleased about.

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Week 4

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Hannah S

Thank you for giving me the confidence and help to kickstart my health and fitness journey. The program was challenging, and at the start I struggled from the sudden change in diet, but 6 weeks on I can't even imagine eating what I use to eat, I am craving healthy foods instead of junk, and I get excited and motivated by my fitness improving. I am very proud of what I have achieved not only physically but mentally, I feel my whole mindset has changed for the better. I feel healthy, strong and powerful to take on anything!  I feel that I am now equipped with the knowledge and determination to smash my health goals, thanks for your help!

Natasha L

Weight loss: I lost a total of 6-8 lbs. I did not measure myself, but as the pictures tell, I have definitely lost inches!!

I have been on a weight loss journey for a long time now, I have always been an athlete and have always worked out. This past summer I wanted to lose weight so I hired a nutritionist. I followed through with it for a solid week, then slowly started to taper off. This challenge I was skeptical about how dedicated I would be, but since I had my friend doing it with me-that helped a lot, being able to talk to her about it! The Facebook group helped lots too, being able to ask people questions and get motivation! I am extremely happy I did this challenge, I stuck to it for 6 weeks, and I know I wasn't as strict or faithful as I should have been. But I learned a lot about how I eat, what I like to eat, what makes me feel good, what doesn't make me feel good, and what kind of dedication I need in order to get the results I want. I am so proud of myself for the progress I've made in only 6 weeks…now imagine what kind of progress that could be made in 6 months!!

Lacey S

I started this program to have a way to hold myself accountable for my progress and give it my all. During the program I followed the workouts step-by-step and sweat my butt off! By the end of every workout I actually felt like I accomplished something major, what a feeling! I've had EXTREMELY poor eating habits my whole life and it's been SUCH a struggle finding a meal plan that challenged me to try new things, but, also worked around my eating disorder. I was BEYOND happy to see food on the meal plan that I could actually eat! During the program I actually started to be noticeably less tired by the end of the day because I was actually eating.

Since the start of this program, I've lost 13lbs and toned up quite a bit. I'm finally starting to feel confident and healthy; and it's so amazing!

Briana B

I feel so much healthier and absolutely love seeing the progress, especially, in my legs! I started at 135lbs and dropped to 129lbs! I really love how this program makes you want to get up every day and start with a good workout. I've never been so motivated to do something like this in my life! I loved the meal plans and just by seeing what 4 weeks can do makes want to keep going. I can't wait to start another one of your programs! Thank you for all your help Lauren; you are my true idol.

Kate Galliazzo

I loved your program, and found the biggest challenge I've faced in my fitness journey has been food. Your program helped me to gain control of my portion sizes and eating healthy, which has really helped me come out of a fitness plateau. I started the program at 177 lbs and I now weigh 166 lbs. I'm a single mom and going to school full time, but this is the first time I've felt good about my body and confident in who I am. I don't ever want anyone to feel sorry for me, I want to be a strong and independent woman and be healthy so that I can be around for my son and keep up with him for a long, long time. Thank you for helping me start to love myself again!

Kelly B

Two years ago I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  Since my surgery I have been on medication and my levels have never been within normal range. 2 weeks ago my levels came back normal. I feel great, I have an appetite again, I am no longer bloated, and I have more energy. I feel GREAT! I will continue to eat the same as I have been eating and working out for the past 7 weeks!


Alena Harthun

Wow! From day one until the end I have been sore every day. During the first week I was exhausted and wanted so bad to just take like 3 days rest but I knew I couldn't! The cardio in the beginning was killer and was so hard for me to finish. The first three days I did half HIIT, half steady pace. But after that I got it together and finished all my cardio how you wanted it done. Being a former college volleyball athlete, I never had to worry about "staying in shape" and always considered myself fit and healthy. After that ended, I gained some unwanted weight and was no longer happy with myself. I always struggled with having the motivation to push myself at the gym because I didn't have a coach there yelling at me and telling me to do it. This challenge has changed my life, competing to win prizes whether I win or not has motivated me. For the past 3 years I have been on the fitness roller coaster. I would go through phases of weight loss and weight gain like crazy and it never was a lifestyle change for me. I KNOW that this time around I am going to continue my fitness journey and this truly has been a lifestyle change for me.

I have lost 12 pounds (started at 187 ended at 175). I have also lost inches in all areas!

I have lost 3 inches around my legs. I honestly didn't think my legs changed much until I compared before and after photos and noticed a bigger gap! I have lost 2.5 inches around my hips. I have lost 2 inches around my waist. I have lost 4 inches around my bust, and I'm so impressed that I lost nearly all of the back fat! Ahh!! And I have lost 1 inch around my arm.

It's crazy to say that I am finally becoming confident again and I actually wore a tank top to the gym for the first time! I also have dropped two pant sizes. I was wearing size 12 in Old Navy pixie pants and bought size 8's because I wanted to use it as motivation. The other day I slipped them on and fit perfectly! I can't thank you enough for this challenge and chit chatting with me through Kik. I have gained so much confidence in myself and in the gym and cannot wait to see where I look like a couple months from now and even to see my 1-year progress!!

Tiffany Dodson

Weight loss: 10.4 pounds; 156.6 to 146.2

Total inches lost 14.75

I signed up for this challenge after working to lose weight for about 6 months. I had somewhat leveled out and had started taking on unhealthy habits again. I'm a competitive person by nature and went into this with the thought that I had to win. The first week was incredibly hard. I was so exhausted. After the second week of scheduling time and prepping food, I started to feel like it was accomplishable. Sometime along the way, winning no longer mattered. I felt better, I looked better, and I was so much more confident. My pants started getting too big and just this last Friday I bought a size of pants that I have never owned in my life. The program has made me stronger physically and mentally. I feel like I can accomplish anything. I also realized what an amazing support system I am fortunate to have. Thank you for everything Lauren! This has changed my perspective and life!

BrieAnna S

Total Inches Lost: 5.5

I really enjoyed this challenge so much! Even through the days that I wasn't feeling very well everything that you had on this plan was still within reason of being able to get through. Struggling through depression and anxiety and several other health issues, I had just let myself go and didn't care anymore. Doing this challenge not only helped me to create amazing new habits but it also reminded me of how easy it is to take care of yourself and that it is ok to have a bad day, but to pick back up and get back to it again. I mentally feel amazing and when I look at myself in the mirror I can definitely see a way bigger difference.

Alice Field

Before this challenge I was tired and discouraged about losing weight. I had been following other popular training programs for months and spending hours in the gym without seeing any results. I almost didn't sign up for this one because I thought my body was hopeless.

During this challenge I pushed myself harder than ever before - reached lots of personal bests in weights and have done more cardio than I thought I was capable of.

The Facebook group was full of support and if I felt I needed the extra encouragement I was able to message Lauren one on one to discuss my issues. I appreciated that so much! It's refreshing to see that you're not just the face of the company. You're actively involved in answering all of our questions and encouraging us to strive for the best.

I'm thrilled with my results so far! I plan on continuing with this plan for a few more weeks and then moving on to a custom program with you to help lean out.

Again, thank you very much for this challenge! I'm now more motivated than ever to continue on my fitness journey.

Tamara Farber

I don't even know where to begin because the amount of personal growth I achieved over the last 6 weeks is amazing. I have 4 kids and I teach Kindergarten. The exhaustion I feel just from that has kept me out of the gym the last 9 months. I was not going to let it be an excuse anymore. This challenge got me into a routine and motivated me to do more cardio than I ever thought I could. I hate cardio but I honestly found a love for the way it made me feel after I did it. I can't thank you enough for this challenge and the support group. This is my first support group and it was truly that: a group of wonderful people with the same healthy goal in mind. I know that my results would not have been as awesome as they are had it been me alone trying to do this. What else?? The food! I love how it was a lifestyle type of eating. You are a realist and made it so anyone can and we did follow your recommendations. The food ideas and the spices added what was need to not make eating so boring. I am so excited for my future and am hoping to save money to be coached through a competition. I didn't think I had the right type of mindset or motivation to ever do one but I don't think that anymore. My mind has limited me in the past but it won't anymore because...just do it! We don't always want to do it but we just do! I plan to join your challenge again mid summer! I can't thank you enough for your motivation and the live videos.


Designed to push you!

I've added these homework assignments to further push you while at the same time keep it fun & competitive. Each week I will post in the Facebook group asking if you've completed the weeks homework workout. These are fun but challenging little workouts you can do at home or in the gym, record your time or reps and post up your results. You can see how you stack up against others and you are free to do these as many times as you'd like as an extra bonus workout. Please do not post up your results until I make a post about it on Facebook so we keep all the results in one comment string :)


Complete 3 rounds for time of Wall Sits, Planks & Flutter kicks. Do each workout until failure before moving onto the next one (Wall Sit, Plank, Flutter and back to wall sit, plank, flutter for a total of 3 for reach movement). Start the timer before you get into the wall sit and take ZERO rest between movements or sets. The goal is to be able to last as long as possible and to post your total time here :) For flutter kicks it should be about 2 kicks per second (1 each foot). For Planks if you need to do it on your knees (don't switch from normal to knee towards the end, if you can do it normal do it normal all the way through). Lets have some fun and see how you do :) I'll be posting my time later ;)

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Week 2

Complete 3 rounds for total reps. Each round will consist of max number of Squat Jumps, Push Ups & Bicycle Kicks. There is NO rest in between movements or sets. Squats have to be to parallel & the jump at least 1 inch off the ground. If you are unable to jump simply do air squats with a 1 second hold at the bottom and state so when you make your total count post. Push up have to be normal with chest touching the ground, if you are unable, start on your knees but state so when you post your total. You can not start normal and then go to your knees when you start to fail. Bicycle kicks count as 1 rep when you do the left knee & right knee. I suggest you have a piece of paper and a pen by your side to help you keep track of the count. Quickly write down the total for the movement before moving onto the next. This should be fun & challenging.

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Week 3

Complete 3 rounds for a total rep count of Burpees & Stationary Lunges. You will start with doing Burpees until failure and write down the total, rest for 30 seconds and go into stationary Lunges (each leg counts as a rep, your forward knee must not go past your toes and your back knee must touch the ground or be within 1"). After each lunge you will return back to a your original standing position by stepping back. Do until failure and write down the total and rest for 30 seconds before repeating again 2 more times. Write down the total number of reps for Burpees & Lunges.

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Week 4

Simple, re-do Week 1 and try and better your score on each movement!

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Week 5

You will re-do week 2 homework and try and better your score!


Weeks 1 -6

This is your check in at the end of each week. These are the numbers that will be compared against your Initial Check-in. Please ensure that you submitted your Initial Check-in first. I will use this form to better evaluate your progress through the weeks and drop you instructional emails if i think changes or adjustments need to be made. Check-ins are to be completed between Friday and Sunday of each week. Be consistent in the time of day you do check-ins, i prefer early in the morning before a meal and after you've gone to the bathroom. You're report is available to you on the next Tab. You will also be able to Reply to any of my specific information via the button in the email (if i sent you one) or the Ask Lauren Tab.

Examples Good & Bad

Bench Marks

Benchmarks are designed to help you track your progress throughout the challenge. These are basic functional movements that can be done at home & will help you gauge if you are getting stronger. Do these before you do a workout so you are fresh. I suggest doing Week 1 anytime between 9/22 - 9/26. Complete Week 3 & Week 6 towards the end of the week.

  • Do each movement until failure. In other words do it until you feel you can no longer do another rep. You should not be resting a long time between reps, 1-2 seconds MAX. If you are unable to do push-ups regularly, do them on your knees. We are going for clean form here, full range of motion on all movements and proper form.
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 999.
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 999.
  • Please enter a number less than or equal to 999.
  • Plank hold

  • These you will hold until failure. For wall sits your knee should be at a 90 degree angle to the floor and your butt at parallel to the ground. For the plank your back should be straight. If you are unable to do it on your elbows do it on your hands. Use a timer and record the total time you held each of the movements for.
  • Wall Sit


Below you will find a link to your personal report. Before you review it some pointers: This check-in and report are still in beta mode - I will be making improvements to it through out the challenge. If your image uploaded sideways please click the rotation icon to turn the image until it is facing the right way. Focus on your weight, measurements and calories if you are tracking them. Submit your weekly check-ins each week between Friday and Sunday night.


If you made an entry mistake please resubmit the entire form for that week and double check each field before you click the submit button. Check your report for accuracy. If you missed a week just make sure you get the next one in. Do not submit future weeks until its time, there is no way to delete an entry only to resubmit it.

The report is best viewed on a computer vs a smartphone.

Ask Lauren

This section is only to be used if you have a question regarding your check-in form or progress report. If Lauren sent you an email this is where you would respond to it so she gets to see it in her dashboard view. This message will be attached to your personal check-in progress report in Lauren's view. If you have a GENERAL question please ask it in the Facebook group.

Initial Check-In

The initial check-in is REQUIRED. For weight & measurements this is your baseline and will be what we use as the starting point for this challenge. Complete your initial check-in no later than 11/21. If you do not do your weekly check-ins you can not expect me to be able to assist you if you have questions about your progress. It is your responsibility to complete this check-in and the ones at the end of each of the following 6 weeks. You can review your submission by looking at your Report. If you see an error you will need to resubmit the entire form, if your photos are coming up sideways you can click on the little rotation icon at the bottom of the image to turn it the right way (only you can do this, otherwise the photo for me will also be sideways until you rotate it).

Examples of Good & Bad posing, lighting & backgrounds.
Your initial photos will NOT be a collage these are just for sample reasons to show you what the final photos should look like. This is simply to give you a better understanding what is a good angle or a bad one.

 Programs  |   Results   |   My Story