Custom Programs

8 or 12 Weeks

Hopefully you’ve seen one of my own personal transformation photos or that of one of my clients. If you’re looking for a custom meal plan & workout routine that will go hand in had with one another you’ve come to the right place. What I offer are real results if you are willing to put in real work.

$599.00 $399.00 - $479.00

Booty Building Guides

Three stage progressive guides designed to help with weight loss, toning, muscle growth, lifting, firming & growth of the booty. Workouts modeled after my own from start to finish of my personal journey. Every workout comes with a number of sets & reps & photo instructions by me. The workouts will range from things you’ll be able to do at home to those needing a gym – these are great guide to help you get started on a schedule and isolation workouts that are designed to target the specific muscle group. I personally used these workouts to help me sculpt my own booty from a soft pancake to what it is today.

$79.99 $39.99

My goal is to help you make a positive, healthy & lasting change when it comes to your body, health & nutrition.

You will never feel hungry on my plans! I do not believe in crash diets or gimmicks. I am for a lifestyle change that you can & will want to continue year-round.

With my 9 years of nursing, NASM Personal Training Certification, years of experience & a personal transformation of my own I can not only relate but I can help guide & educate you!

I've now helped thousands of women & men transform their lives for the better. I stand behind my programs because they are developed around my own personal training & nutrition.


Lauren - Not just a fitness model - I'm a Registered Nurse, NY Times best selling author, WBFF Pro, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Wife & much more! Get to know me

Lauren with weights

Programs - I've developed workout & nutritional guides that mimic my own training style. I want each of my clients to succeed & maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle for years to come!

garage poster

Merchandise - Get all your Lauren Drain related products here, from autographed & personalized posters, calendars & more.


Deanne S

I've had 3 children, 2 c-sections, repeated abdominal muscle separation, and a million other excuses to not eat healthy or be fit. But do you know what? That's just what they are...EXCUSES!!! I have been in and out of the gym for the last 10 years but I have seen more results in the last six weeks than in all those years. I needed a complete program like this that includes meals and the RIGHT way to work out! I have literally NEVER been able to stick with a program for this length of time until now! And having finished... I feel as if I now have this tool that I can use for the rest of my life! I lost 8 lbs & a total of 12 inches around my body.

Mandy B

In this program I lost 28.2lbs, 4.5 inches from my waist, 5 inches from my hips, 1 inch in my arms, 2 inches in my thighs, and 3.75 inches in my chest. The program was easy to understand and follow. I loved having the Facebook support group where we could all share progress and encourage each other. I am leaving this program with the knowledge & ability to continue to go for my health/fitness goals. I am very excited about my results and feel so much more confident about myself. It's truly amazing how much your body can change in just 6 weeks!

Tamara F

I have 4 kids and I teach kindergarten. The exhaustion I feel just from that has kept me out of the gym the last 9 months. I was not going to let it be an excuse anymore. This program got me into a routine and motivated me to push through so many things. I can't thank you enough for this program and the support group. This is my first support group and it was truly that. A group of wonderful people with the same healthy goal in mind. I know that my results would not have been as awesome as they are had it been me alone trying to do this. I also loved the food & how it was a lifestyle type of eating. I am so excited for my future. My mind has limited me in the past but it won't anymore!

Taylor B

When I started this program, I was really self conscious about my appearance all the time whether I was at school or the gym. I was so concerned of what others thought of me. Through the challenge, I realized I didn't need anyone else's approval because I was doing this for my happiness and my well being. During the program, I learned a lot about myself, about self discipline around food and how to best use my time in the gym. Thank you Lauren for giving me the skills to become self motivated, self driven, confident & happy!

Designed by me!

Proven by clients!

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  • Booty Workouts
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